Clever Username

I really want to see Samurai World now. I think Ed Harris would be pretty bad ass with a sword.

How about a facebook feed that gives no indication of political stance and only shows pictures of vacations, concerts, and the occasional puppy? Is there an extension for that?

It's weird because sometimes artists would physically put it on the album cover and other times it was just as sticker on the packaging.

Whatever happened to that joint J. Cole / Kendrick Lamar album? Can we get that instead?

No I wasn't joking. Unless you are a large company who serves a global customer base you aren't hosting your data in data centers across the globe as that is more expensive and in a lot of cases unnecessary. Now the internet archive obviously has a large enough audience but this article implies that all their data is

Not necessarily it just means that it was all in America which is very common for most American companies.

I think its really cool that they can get an office band together. Pretty good punk cover and they look like they are having fun. Certainly no worse then a lot of the "real" bands they have come in.

You get chills from Future's garbage indecipherable overly auto-tuned vocals? I doubt it will be a radio single.

This album has like 2 great songs (Party Monster, Sidewalks), 2 good songs (Starboy, Love to Lay) and 13 filler generic pop songs. Solid C.

In a world where no one cares about music videos these guys consistently make me stop whatever I'm doing to watch their new videos. I give them a lot of credit for that. Their zero G one was insane and this one is really cool too.

"It is not all one speed, but each section is at a constant rate, meaning that time does not “ramp” (accelerate or decelerate). We just toggle from one speed to another."

College Dropout definitely. It's just catchy songs over great beats. Very accessible. I would also say The Life of Pablo is a good entry point and it's a fantastic album. Graduation is also beginner level Kanye but its not anywhere near as good as the above mentioned two.

Black Mirror is good but a bit overrated. Some episode are definitely better than others but overall definitely worth watching if you like dark sci-fi stories with a twist. It does a good job of taking current technology and looking at what the consequences could be if you take it to the extreme so they are all

This marks the first time someone has actually paid attention to a Colin Jost joke. There is reason he was demoted from his head writer position on SNL. He's not funny.

I didn't know fried turkey was a thing until moving to the south and now normal turkey doesn't cut it.

I know Bojangles also offers turkeys on Thanksgiving. I haven't had the chance to try theirs either but I'm sure it's good too.

No if he lived in California he wouldn't even try to turn left on yellow. They all know you wait until red and then two cars get to turn.

We still don't know what getting out of Westworld even means. We don't know where Westworld is or how people actually get in and out of the complex and we don't know what the world is like outside so it's hard to predict how far a host could make it. But that seems like something that could be a major plotline in

Did you see Shia LaBeouf's freestyle on sway in the morning? I think Shia LaBeouf was already the Shia LaBeouf of rap we just didn't know it.

Kendrick Lamar is so good live I'd rather hear a live album then a studio one. Kanye is also really good live. Typically rappers with bands are really good. Method Man & Redman were really good too and they just had a DJ but had such high energy.