Clever Username

One time I saw Thursday and during the last song the singer jumped in the crowd and when he got back on stage he didn't have a mic and then ran off the stage. The band played without him for a minute before stopping mid song and then threatening to beat up someone in the audience and then the show ended. As everyone

Fuck!!!!! I had great seats too. So lame.

I couldn't care less about hearing a Trump rant. Unless he's performing a song everything that comes out of his mouth is stupid. I ignore it all. I just don't want to drive 3.5 hours and pay for a hotel for him to cancel a show or only play 30 minutes or something.

I don't think it's any different then a lot of rock stars over the years. Gun's N Roses did stuff like this and that didn't affect their popularity.

I'm seeing him in a few weeks. Really looking forward to the show so hopefully none of this shit happens.

So let me get this straight, two massive corporations who offer hundreds of millions of products sold from countless third party sellers aren't immediately aware that one t-shirt being sold references an obscure Norwegian metal band that has a member who is a neo-nazi. Wow I'm so shocked…

I think it suffers from being a Part 1. I'm one of those people that think it's boring but if I saw it and was immediately able to watch Part 2 I might think differently of it. But as someone that hadn't read the books watching that and then realizing I had to wait almost a year to get to the part of the story where

I'm pretty sure it was more than a rumor. The cast was wasn't into making more but I think money made that problem go away.

These movies are not underrated at all. If anything most are overrated. As someone who has never read a Harry Potter book but seen all the movies I can say that in most of them I had no idea what was going on. That's not a good movie if you feel you have to read a book to understand it.

Yeah cause you know gas stations on the way to the stadium always have lots of cold Peroni stocked up.

Growing up in PA I can vouch for this.

I like a nice Belgian ale too but saying Bud Light or comparable is undrinkable is wrong. It just doesn't have that much flavor. Also different beers have their time and place. No one is drinking Chocolate Stout while tailgating for 5 hours before a football game. That's where Bud Light shines.

Haha looking back at it now you are right. It makes no sense. Unless you were drinking Keystone Ice which definitely would give you bitter beer face.

I give him credit for buying himself out of his contract and doing what he wants to do. I don't like his new albums but I respect that he's being the artist he wants to be. Pretty sure he can just survive on just guest verse money for the rest of his life. Kanye alone will keep him working.

I think she had already started walking down the stairs so I don't think she heard him.

I know. My respect for him grew substantially.

I get being afraid in the moment but yeah they could change her stats so she's an idiot without her knowing and diffuse this situation.

I took that as an indicator that he has rooms or everyone's phone bugged not that she was saying what he wanted.

Did anyone here go to his performance of the new album in Joshua Tree? A friend of mine went and his description of the sound seems accurate now that I've heard this single. I like it but its definitely different.

His verse on Mobius on the new album is really good. It's like he got his energy back.