Clever Username

Yeah I enjoyed what is essentially his Bobby Bottleservice character in animated form.

Ha I want to see that now. Not quite like that. More like if the fruit salad tried to kill Pee-wee to stop him from eating it.

65% Murray 35% Hanks.

I thought it was enjoyable. Some of the jokes were too on the nose but it had some laughs. And the idea of humans being able to interact with the food after taking PCP or whatever was a funny plot point.

haha yeah where is the 900 number we can call in? Considering I've seen every episode and still can't name half the cast you could probably throw Jason Todd's name in there and no one would notice.

Hopefully they do something cool like this for the 10th anniversary of Hazards of Love (my personal favorite album of theirs). Not really into the Crane Wife that much but I do love The Island.

Why would you ever take a girl to see Hard Candy on a date though? Was it her idea? That's as far from a date night movie as you can get.

TLOP is great. Absolutely deserves a best Rap Album nomination if not win.

Is there a most boring and not worth the wait album award? Otherwise I don't see why he should be nominated.

Probably should have but I think partly he takes pleasure in making a guy as strong as Rick into his bitch. Also Rick is a leader and you need people leading your territories to get the most out of them. I'm guessing it will back fire on him though.

I'm surprised that people expect more out of this show at this point then just some entertaining zombie apocalypse action. This show has never been well written and for the first few seasons was barely good enough and sometimes straight up boring (looking at you season 2).

"Yes another Apple Music exclusive!" - No one.

Remember when they had Oscar nominated director John Singleton direct a Fast and Furious movie and it was fucking terrible? I rewatched 2 Fast 2 Furious recently and I couldn't believe how bad it was. It's amazing this franchise rebounded from that.

Remember when it was laughable that he was running for president and then he became the Republican candidate. Suddenly it wasn't as funny. You can laugh at things like saying your going to throw your opponent in jail and not accepting the outcome of the election but when you say enough of those things you realize its

What am I going to do with all this extra Manichewitz I bought then?

Boom Gaspar gets a pass because of the awesomeness of Love Boat Captain but yeah I wonder what he does on stage like 90% of the time.

Maybe serviceable is a better word. I do not find the drums on Pearl Jam songs to be memorable at all. They just do their job. They are a guitar focused band and that's fine. Not every band has a Jimmy Chamberlin like drummer that makes me watch youtube videos of people playing those parts.

Yeah I had no idea until he was inducted into the hall of fame with them. They didn't snub him.

To be honest I find all Pearl Jam drumming to be pretty bland except for W.M.A. which is an Abbruzzese showcase.

Even crazier Cliff Martinez also played drums for RHCP and now the guy is an incredible movie composer.