Clever Username

It seems to be kind of arbitrary how they choose what members get in. Nirvana's drummer on their first album didn't get inducted either yet they were eligible because its been 25 years since that first album.

Where was your seat? Trying to figure out whether I should get pit or lower level seats.

Would you recommend that over being in the lower level? Trying to decide where I want to get tickets. Can you ever actually see him when you are in the pit? Or are you staring at lights the whole time?

You just wait Roberto Benigni is going to make a come back.

If you've never seen him live you definitely should watch this special. My only complaint is that it only shows half the concert. He played 30 songs when I saw him on this tour and this skips a lot of them.

It sounded more like Bernard's voice to me but I haven't gone back and rewatched it to say for sure. They talked earlier in the episode about the robots had the ability to hear their own voice (or at least they tried to do this I can't remember exactly) so its entirely possible their inner voice is Bernard's since he

It seems too obvious that the man in black would be Arnold and Bernard is trying to give the androids memories so he can recreate his son. I hope there is more too it.

Crisis averted. I immediately came here to defend the awesomeness of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness but now I know there is some other song with that same name.

Yeah more modern stuff like Kenny Chesney, Eric Church, Jason Aldean. I just realized I know quite a few country artists despite not ever listening to a country album on my own.

I only listen to country music when I'm at a house party and the person who owns the house puts it on and I just have to say to myself repeatedly "its not your house, just deal with it." I live in the south. Most of my friends like country music. There is no escaping it.

Yeah I'm curious too. At first I thought maybe there is no projectile and its more like laser tag situation where when the androids get hit they know to produce a squib like effect but the bottle breaking throws a wrench in that. Maybe certain props also know when to break apart? I don't think we see bullets bounce

After watching the 2nd episode they definitely show more people and refer to a QA department so its not quite as bad as it seemed in the first episode. But everyone seems to be an asshole who doesn't communicate and has secrets which would make for an awful working environment. Also its so dark in there. They can

Al Michaels also told a story about seeing Arnold Palmer smoking on the golf course and said how cool he looked doing it. Basically the last thing anyone is supposed to do in this day is talk about how cool smoking looks. I thought it was pretty hilarious how they didn't care at all about the game at that point.

At first I was like who? Then after looking at IMDB and seeing he directed Sicario and Prisoners I was like nice!

Who is the guy on the left in that picture?

What a bullshit headline. Should read "The social media person at Third Man Records clarifies the band did not license their music for use by Donald Trump."

Burn is one of those songs where after hearing it live, the studio version becomes kind of unlistenable but it's definitely one of my favorite NIN songs.

Yeah I agree. Although we don't know how old the company is, based on Anthony Hopkins dialogue it's definitely not a start up. It makes sense you start off with one and when you have a handle on that you expand into other settings. But then you have to grow your team substantially and as we have seen they aren't big

That's the one that pisses you off? Not the big bang theory cast making 1,000,000. Steve Harvey is funny and is a good host of that show.

I really enjoyed the first episode and I can't wait to see more, but as a professional computer programmer there are a couple things that really bothered me (and I totally understand how ridiculous my complaining is from an entertainment standpoint but I'm going to do it anyway).