Clever Username

They dropped the ball by putting Spiderman instead of Ironman as Ghostface on that Champions cover.

The difference is featured players are basically given no significant opportunity to prove themselves and then are fired at the end of the season for not proving themselves.

If you're actually talking dollar menu the Jr. Bacon Cheesburger from Wendy's is king. Even though now it's more than .99.

Yeah Barbara Broccoli needs to fire herself.

I'm really excited for this movie after reading some of the Christopher Priest Black Panther comics. Way more excited than Dr. Strange (although that looks good too).

I like Craig a lot but how about you just find a new actor and use a fraction of that $150 million to hire a good writer. That would get me excited again about the franchise.

Stop being pedantic. I was using hard drive as a generic term for storage. I'm well aware iPhones use flash memory. Doesn't change anything about my statement.

It drives me crazy that Apple still puts 16 gb in their phones. Did they buy too many of those hard drives years ago and are trying to get through their stock? There is no fucking reason to build a new 16gb hard drive. It would be like building new 56K modems.

The live version of Red Mosquito off of Live on Two Legs might be my favorite Pearl Jam song.

That beat. I want to hear every rapper freestyle over that.

Whoa that is high compliment comparing him to Sufjan. I haven't listened to Blonde yet so I'm not going to argue that (yet) but Endless literally put me to sleep after 15 minutes which definitely chilled my excitement for more of his new music.

Thanks but I'm still too lazy to fry chicken myself.

Are you serious? I listened to him every week on NXT for like a year. His character is insufferable. All he does is constantly antagonize his partners in the most obvious and sophomoric ways and it's never funny. He also tends to start a thought and realizes half way through he doesn't quite have the vocabulary or

Mauro is sooooo much better then Michael Cole. He should be the guy for ppvs. And don't get me started on Corey Graves and JBL. Basically what makes an announcer great is being the opposite of those two.

Pleasing voice, doesn't say inane things, doesn't repeat themselves constantly. Occasionally offers insights I wouldn't normally think of. That's about it. Unfortunately there aren't too many people who fulfill all those requirements.

Does that make Binaural their King of Limbs?

I agree that is the one area that has always surprised me. They have all the money in the world to hire whoever but off the top of my head I can't think of any theme from any of the movies. On the other hand the only thing DC has done well is make awesome music for Superman.

C'mon bro you aren't impressing anybody by thinking Ten is their 8th best album. It's #1 for a reason. Classic song after classic song. I will say Riot Act doesn't get the respect it deserves though. It's probably #3 for me.

I've seen them twice and there is a reason they still sell out every venue they play in and are not some nostalgia act. I really like how they are one of the few bands who play a different set list every night. I wish more bands did that. If only they didn't cancel their Raleigh show…