Deadpool is the highest grossing R-rate movie of all time as long as you don't factor in inflation. Matrix Reloaded is the highest when you do. Passion is only #1 domestically.
Deadpool is the highest grossing R-rate movie of all time as long as you don't factor in inflation. Matrix Reloaded is the highest when you do. Passion is only #1 domestically.
Pretty sure they pushed it back because the proved they could make $2 billion releasing a movie in December. That is not a formula you want to touch.
The other day I was having a discussion with my coworkers about good videogame to movie adaptations and we came to the conclusion that there isn't one. I think the closest we've come is the first Silent Hill movie because it at least captured the tone well.
In the most recent comics that actually happens.
Someone should explain to him that police commissioners just sit behind a desk.
Wait who is he playing? I will always think of him as J Jonah Jameson.
He's right no one is even asking for this movie to be made so the bar is as low as possible.
Upvoted for sheer nerdiness and keeping it real.
Because you can't make fun of someone for being an asshole because it's subjective. Weight gain is objective and makes everyone self conscious. It's just bullying 101. Did you skip your 1st period internet commenter class?
While I agree with you, I think the reason memes exist for Axl is because he's been an unprofessional asshole his entire career. If he was a well respected nice guy I don't think you'd see them. If Dave Grohl gained some weight I don't think you'd see memes about it.
I don't get how Arya isn't dead. The Waif is a trained assassin yet she went all prison shank style and then didn't bother to confirm the kill. Seems very unlike her. Also why was Arya just strolling out in public like she doesn't know that they are out to kill her and can disguise themselves to be anyone.
I think Hot Rod is an underrated classic so I had high expectations for this and it totally lived up to them. Hilarious movie.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised. On his last album he did say he's spent "20 plus years of selling Johnson and Johnson." He's a total corporate sell out.
The extended version was probably "I'm lovin' it…especially when the twenties are spinning like windmills and the ice 32 below minus the wind chill." Wisely they cut it down.
I feel like TJ Miller is the 2016 Jack Black. Right now he's hilarious but he can only play himself so soon his "character" will get old.
Just thinking about the fact that someone watched the first season of both shows and thought they were equally good makes me sad.
What the people really want is a sequel to Jason X. Stop rebooting the past. Go to the future!
Why does a non main story star wars movie have to match the tone of a movie made 40 years ago? Isn't the whole point of these "A Star Wars Story" films (besides print money) is to be able to do something different?
Oh so you have seen the movies then.
She is bad ass and confident and a fat lady that falls down in both movies. Also in the 2nd I think she is the only one with a romance. Take your outrage elsewhere. It's not needed in this case.