Clever Username

Yeah I was wondering what the hell he would do on these songs live. Hell I don't know what Colin or even Phil will do on half the tracks. I can see Johnny playing string arrangements on keyboard and someone else playing piano. Maybe Thom just sings instead of hogging an instrument.

First impression after one listen is that it's beautiful but too mellow. Would it kill them to throw one more up beat song on there?!? Really like the string arrangements. Probably one of those albums I will like more on future listens but will have to be in the right mood to want to listen to it.

Why was this even greenlit? Who the hell asked to see movies in the snow white extended universe?

Probably when they realize they can have a "reunion" tour and charge more money. I never got to see him with the band so I'm hoping he comes back eventually.

I disagree. His work with James Mercer on Broken Bells and with Cee Lo on Gnarls Barkely is great. He also took the Black Keys from lo-fi garage rock to a much more fleshed out (and better in my opinion) sound. And their popularity sky rocketed as a result.

Did you mean to post this in the Justin Timberlake article instead? Now that song was disappointing.

Look for his new album Nilbog dropping this summer.

Back in the day the few major festivals had some sense of individuality. But anymore there are so many and it's become such a big business that it doesn't really pay to try and be different. As a result they all just get whatever bands are touring that year. People go to the one closest to them and that's it.

I'm glad she did something but this was kind of weak. She commands a huge fan base and releasing a written message on her website that sounds like it was written by a PR person isn't doing that much. Don't mind me though I'm just jealous that her fans got to see her perform while Pearl Jam cancelled.

Agreed. I watched most of the animated series when I was younger and looking at it as an adult like 75% of it is training or recovering from fights. I have no idea how you would make a good 2 hour movie out of it.

Yeah he deserves nothing less than being eaten alive by a direwolf. Hopefully while Sansa cheers him on.

I don't know. I can't see him being successful as a ruler because while he is scary he doesn't really command a huge force or have personal security. Not sure who would take him out at this point. I don't think anyone cares about the North at this moment. Bigger things happening everywhere else.

I like it. Already better than everything off King of Limbs. Can't wait to hear more.

Darth Bolton is way over the top evil at this point. We get it. He's a bad guy. Feeding babies to dogs is kind of unnecessary.

With as much time as these movies spend focusing on any kind of romance I guess you could have Poe flirt with a guy for like 10 seconds at a cantina and call it a day.

I can't tell if you are being serious or this is excellent trolling.

I hope this doesn't mean they are going to update the legendary Space Jam website. That needs to remain untouched for historical purposes to remind us how far we've come.

Scarlett Johansson is only Qualified?!?! She's the best actor in the MCU.

I thought the parental advisory sticker was a self reported type situation. Like there is no governing body listening to every album and determining whether it has explicit content like with movies. It's just the record labels trying to prevent outrage from parents. I could be wrong though.

In addition to what @OGChicanery:disqus said, sometimes the beats are original other times the tracks feature new rhymes over beats from other artists or they feature samples that could never be cleared if it was actually sold. But when it's free you just kind of get away with it. New hip hop artists usually release