Clever Username

So is this guy just not concerned with ever trying to make money from selling music? Why wouldn't you just self release something on iTunes or at least Spotify? He's charging $45 a ticket at his concerts so he's probably doing fine at the moment but might as well make a few extra bucks while your popularity is on the

Eventually they are going to run out of holidays to make these shitty movies. I'm sure Flag Day is going to be a smash at the box office in 5 years.

Just imagine all the cross platform marketing opportunities, diverse distribution channels, and increased revenue streams!

At the time it was a good deal as Myspace skyrocketed in popularity soon after that and would have been worth significantly more 1-2 years later. It's hard to remember at this point but back in the day Myspace was king and Facebook was the small underdog that was only accessible to few colleges. Obviously things

I agree Jay Walking segments (when they were fresh) would have made for good viral videos but the article makes it sound like Fallon inherited some massive amount of YouTube views from Leno which I find very hard to believe.

Pretty sure Leno didn't even know what a viral video was let alone have one. So I think Fallon deserves all the credit there.

Now a whole new generation can finally see the sci-fi classic Armageddon!

My dearest Pepper Potts,
We have been fighting this civil war for what feels likes an eternity. Your absence would break my heart if it wasn't replaced by a nuclear reactor. I hope to one day return to your side.

I've never really given this album much of a listen but Dead Letter is one of my absolute favorite White Stripes songs.

This article made my day. And then this comment made my day again!

Counterpoint: He's a pretty good rapper but isn't a very good singer.

Saga is amazing. Highly recommend it.

What's hilarious (makes me even sadder) is that Trump is opposed to HB2 saying people should use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. Even the guy that thinks all Muslims should be registered thinks NC has gone too far.

Yeah I feel like truly getting into character would involve him releasing a homemade poison into a major city killing thousands of people. He would definitely earn another Oscar then.

Yeah that is a great piece but the problem like you said is everyone who is going to these shows is already aware of HB2 and (hopefully) will be voting against the politicians who passed it this November.

I had tickets to this show. Obviously disappointed by this. I thought we were in the clear because it was only 2 days out but nope. I really thought they would relish the opportunity to speak directly to the people here in NC but they went the opposite route. What really sucks is knowing that they probably will never

Avatar and Gravity are as close to essential in 3D IMAX as you can get. Tron: Legacy and Guardians of the Galaxy were definitely improved by 3D but not on the same level. Everything else I've seen might have a nice 3D moment or completely unnecessary.

Well I stopped watching after the 3rd or 4th episode because it was terrible so I can't answer that question. But based on the things they changed for seemingly no reason the end could be anything.

Well I stopped watching after the 3rd or 4th episode because it was terrible so I can't answer that question. But based on the things they changed for seemingly no reason the end could be anything.

Kind of weird to see Trey Parker working for someone else. The only reason I can see for him wanting to do this is either as a favor or he has kids / young relatives and he wants them to be able to see something he's done.