Clever Username

In the past Snyder has produced some incredible visuals in his movies but Batman Superman had zero memorable shots for me. Guardians of the Galaxy was a good looking movie and Winter Soldier had its moments too. So I don't know if he is the most talented at this point from a visual perspective.

As a professional computer programmer I find this hilarious. But I admit AI programming is totally over my head so I'm not going to judge them, but they probably should have seen this coming.

I don't mean to tell you how to tell another company how to run their business but when the guy that directed the first season of True Detective comes to you with a show that has Emma Stone and Jonah Hill attached to star your only response should be "when can we start?"

Emma Stone in a Netflix show! That alone gets 3 episodes of guaranteed viewing from me…who am I kidding i'm watching the whole thing.

Yeah Greengrass could handle the political aspects better but that guy is the king of shaky cam. He needs to stay away from action movies.

But Watchmen might not even exist if it wasn't for Snyder. Or who knows what form it might have taken. Remember he was coming off 300 and had all the clout in Hollywood. I don't think you're giving him enough credit for overseeing a flawed but highly entertaining and very faithful adaptation of some tricky source

Yeah I agree. When I say great I mean more in the sense of "I really enjoyed a 3+ hour movie" instead of it being flawless.

Yeah I agree. When I say great I mean more in the sense of "I really enjoyed a 3+ hour movie" instead of it being flawless.

"Directed by Zack Snyder, of faithfully butchered Watchmen fame"…um Watchmen was great. If you want to rip on Snyder, Sucker Punch is the movie to make fun of. That was garbage.

I'm always surprised at how high Lana Del Rey is listed on festival bills. I have yet to meet anyone that listens to her. Maybe she has a younger fanbase (younger as in below 30)?

Thursday is one of my favorite bands so I'm excited to hear this news. I was at that final show 5 years ago. I have no desire to see this festival but hopefully they'll play more shows soon.

Pretty sure that movie was an Adam Sandler like decision where she wanted to get paid to hang out on a beach with her friends and have fun.

Hopefully in season 2 they won't make us wait 8 hours before something exciting happens.

Excuse me, I must go watch an episode of Daredevil to make myself forget I read this.

Parents of villians?!? I really want to believe this is a joke but I have a feeling you're completely serious.

I gave up after about 4 episodes into season 1. Have I missed anything?

A year later I still can't get into this album. I loved Good Kid Maad City but Butterfly just doesn't do it for me. Kendrick deserves a lot of acclaim and he might be the best live rapper ever but I think the accolades for this album are unwarranted.

If you want to see a freestyle blow your mind check out King Los from Sway in the Morning. Sway throws out words for him to use for like 9 minutes straight:…

Miranda was on the Tonight Show a few months back and took turns doing something similar with Black Thought. He actually showed him up. Guy has skill.

I really enjoy Swanberg's movies. I can't quite articulate why though. On paper his movies sound like stuff I would hate but I've enjoyed many of them.