Well Sam Smith is super popular (for reasons I can't explain) but honestly I think if Thom Yorke ditched the falsetto and just sang in his normal voice that song would have had more of a chance.
Well Sam Smith is super popular (for reasons I can't explain) but honestly I think if Thom Yorke ditched the falsetto and just sang in his normal voice that song would have had more of a chance.
I wish they would play more shows at auditoriums like they're doing in LA. Much rather seem them at the Shrine than a big arena like MSG.
They just need to include Young The Giant and they would have the ultimate triple bill.
Yeah that dude seems to forget the fact that humans would be would be either dead or enslaved by aliens or an evil AI if it wasn't for the Avengers. Collateral damage is going to happen during battles of that scale.
I had to google this reference but it checks out. Upvote well earned.
Who is the guy in the metal mask punching Cap at 1:56?
If you get 4 people to chip in its $15 a person. That is the same price or even cheaper then seeing a non matinee in a lot of cities. That's not even taking into account the cost of snacks, parking, babysitter, etc. $50 can actually be a bargain.
In his defense I don't think JJ was involved with Lost past season 1. He just collected that nice executive producer check.
Wow it's really been 10 years?!?! That guy is set for life given how much those commericials have aired.
Wasn't that Andre 3000 Hendrix biopic like unlicensed and didn't have his big songs? Did anyone see that thing?
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates a good Voltron reference.
Finally we get to hear the story about how American wizards take on crippling debt to fund their education and when they graduate are forced to work Muggle birthday parties just to make ends meet. Also they're all overweight.
I will miss the excitement I felt when artists starting coming out with "Enhanced CDs" where you would put it in your CD-Rom drive and get extras like videos and other tracks. Wu-Tang Forever was the high mark of that. You could explore the virtual Wu mansion and in each room was a video or something else. 13 year old…
Love the Orange Peel. Definitely one of the nicest small venues I've ever been to.
As someone who goes to a lot of concerts it makes me sad that LiveNation owns basically every venue out there and they typically suck out all things that make a venue feel special. We need more venues like The Metro and less generic bud light serving vip ticket selling corporate venues.
I seem to recall after the last 3 albums Dave always says "we might take a hiatus" and then a month later says "actually we're working on a new album".
I like how it was created 4 years ago to make one comment and has only resurfaced today to comment on a XXX 3 story. I feel like there has been some missed opportunities there.
So excited to see him in concert. Back in 2011 on the Hurry Up We're Dreaming tour before he got "big" he played a 200 person venue in my city and sadly I wasn't a fan at that time. Now he's playing the 5,000 person venue this time around.
Boooo I want to hear him sing 14 years and Dust N' Bones. Why wouldn't they get him involved? Isn't that the whole point of a reunion.
That is my favorite moment.