Hot Rod is an underrated classic in my opinion. Definitely looking forward to this based on reputation alone.
Hot Rod is an underrated classic in my opinion. Definitely looking forward to this based on reputation alone.
I'm mad Ex Machina didn't win best original screenplay. It was my favorite movie of the year.
Not sure but it has to be extremely rare if it has happened. That's why I'm surprised it has gotten very little attention.
You really think Deakins was snubbed? The Revanant was one of the most beautifully shot movies I've ever seen. No way Deakins deserved it this year. You could make more of an argument with Unbroken last year but not so much with Prisoners. With Skyfall he probably should have won there.
Why is no one talking about Emmanuel Lubezki winning 3 oscars in a row for Cinematography?!?! In the sports world that would be considered a dynasty.
I don't know but I'm amazed that you read like 5000 pages in a month. It takes me a whole month to get through a 400 page book.
He definitely has an issue with not having an album of the year award. He's been nominated 2-3 times for that so if he wins that I think he might quiet down a bit.
Back in my day the rich kids had dancers at their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs not one of the most popular artists in music. I feel like getting Wu-Tang Clan to perform at my Bar Mitzvah back in '97 would have been the equivalent. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Thanks mom and dad…
Of course I read it. Do people bandwagon hate books? 9/10 people in my book club hated it so I wasn't alone.
Go Set A Watchman was terrible so you should actually never read it.
Wow I was not expecting to hear that. You got to love that plot device. It just worked out so well for Friday Night Lights so obviously other shows want to use it.
I love this movie and as this article stated the movie is just as interesting the second time through when you know the twists which is the mark of a good story and not just a novelty.
I'm halfway through the first episode and I'm waiting for it to get good. Please tell me it gets good. I was really looking forward to this series from the previews.
A few years back I was at a Ben Folds Five one off (at the time) reunion show and they played all of Reinhold Messner. For Your Most Valuable Possession they brought out Ben Fold's dad to read the voicemail while they played. I thought that was pretty cool.
I Love Kanye makes me laugh. It's a good intermission song. I don't know why he decided to add like 3 minutes of rambling on to the end of 30 hours. The version on Soundcloud doesn't have that.
You were actually able to buy it for a little bit before that was pulled. And you can obviously find a torrent out there.
Agreed. Famous is beat of the year contention for me. I also like the moody vibe of FML/Real Friends/Wolves.
I'm loving this album. I can't stop listening to Ultralight Beam. The choir and Chance just take that song to another level.
Ugh of course it was. He is the only artist in history who goes on national television and teases us with songs that we can't purchase or even listen to.
It was a rare flawed performance from her but in her defense the piano mics fell onto the piano strings creating that weird guitar like sound that was overpowering everything. I'm sure that contributed to throwing her off her game.