What was the third song Kendrick performed? When the cameras were close up on his face cutting back and forth real fast.
What was the third song Kendrick performed? When the cameras were close up on his face cutting back and forth real fast.
Every Kendrick performance on TV is next level. He's the only rapper I wish would release a live album. His live arrangements make me not want to listen to the studio tracks anymore.
Is this article really criticizing the ending of a videogame from 1991?!?! Back then you were lucky to get any coherent story.
Looking at this list made me realize I haven't played a Zelda game in 14 years.
How was this a B-?!? It gave the audience everything they wanted to see. The annoying kids got eaten, Rick went all Rambo on the walkers, and Daryl used a damn rocket launcher on a biker gang. What more do you want from this show? This isn't The Wire. It's a zombie show in its 6th season.
As a Pirates fan, I like the use of an Andrew McCutchen metaphor even if I don't quite understand it.
I can't stop listening to it. I think it's really good. To me it's a blend of College Dropout (soul based samples / some of his best rapping in years) combined with MBDTF level artistry with a decent amount of 808's style singing.
He's famous because he's put out 8 albums now which range from decent to classic and that is on top of the many good songs he's produced for other artists over the last 15 years. Is he unlikable? Sure. But to say he's produced nothing of value is just an ignorant statement.
It was available from the link in this article but now its not. I purchased it earlier today. Definitely the most bizarre rollout of an album I've ever seen.
He just tweeted "Ima fix wolves" so he might George Lucas that track and add them back in. If that is the case then great job internet! Our complaints were heard.
Me too. Sia's verse was the best part of that song. Frank Ocean basically serves the Vic Mensa part so I'm not as upset over that exclusion but there was certainly nothing wrong with the original version.
Chance absolutely stole the show on that second performance. That first performance was a mess though.
You mean you don't want to watch a solo young Megatron movie? Where you see that he and Optimus Prime were rivals in high school on Cybertron.
Where is today's article about how the tracklist for his album has changed yet again? I'm definitely not mad at him adding 7 more tracks.
The wall was ridiculously high. It didn't make sense to kill them there but why not have them jump off a reasonable size wall to erase doubt.
Now I wish Joffrey had twitter. It would have been Kanye level good.
I really want his new album already so I can just focus on listening to that and forget about the existence of his fashion line and sad video game and his daily twitter nonsense.
Business transactions! The Christmas episode is now on Netflix. I thought it was definitely the best episode yet. You should watch it.
Finally saw the Christmas episode recently with Jon Hamm. By far the best episode of the show. Hopefully the new series will be of that quality.
He definitely fits the mechanic that offers comic relief and gets gruesomely killed by an Alien 3/4 into the movie role.