Clever Username

Pretty sure Tegan and Sara will be required to perform. That constitutes the extent of my current day lesbian musician knowledge.

Yeah I'm 31 and I had never heard of Pepsi Free until now.

I enjoyed John Wick but I couldn't get over the fact that he was 100% accurate with his gun when shooting at everyone but the main bad guy.

Yeah that is not a very good song. My introduction to her was the song Hometown Glory which is a great track so I was impressed from the beginning.

Game of Thrones also starts a little rough. It's easy to forget now but I rewatched season 1 recently and it doesn't blow you away out of the gate.

No I think that is Cronos or Mimic.

I own Upstream Color, and I don't think I've given it a second viewing. I respect the fact that Carruth made the movie he wanted to make but it is hard to not feel let down by it. It doesn't help that we had 9 years of anticipating his follow up to Primer.

Even his masterpiece Blade 2? I'm only kind of joking because I love Blade 2.

I would say the Walking Dead has never been great but is now at least consistently entertaining. So I don't blame someone for not getting into it because of how uneven the first few seasons were.

Paul Thomas Anderson. I respect his ability to get the best possible performance from his actors but I just don't enjoy his movies and I've seen almost all of them.

I actually saw them live a couple months ago. They were loud. That's pretty much the only description I have for them.

I think Borland created a lot of bad ass guitar riffs. You clearly have a more technical definition of what it means to be a good guitar player but my sole qualification is does your instrument produce enjoyable sounds and Borland did a lot of that. I think Sam Rivers was probably the most talented musician in the

If I remember right he doesn't really have to struggle with water that much in the book. He has that super nice machine that makes it but regardless it's not like they found an oasis on Mars. I don't think this will make people think less of the movie.

If you are journalist there are better things to do with your time then investigating what another journalist is investigating. I can totally understand expecting some professional courtesy as to not compromise their investigation.

Forget all the satire, the Canadian alphabet just slayed me. I don't feel people praise South Parks silliness enough.

There has been like 23 movies. Thinking of Bond as a book character is kind of pointless. The Bond character is simply a British secret agent that is smooth with the ladies. Race plays no part in that equation.

I'm actually a big fan of The Weeknd but I don't think he's a good fit for that type of song. I'm all for Elba though.

I look forward to the next Bond theme sung by The Weeknd where all the lyrics will just be about all the girls Bond sleeps with. So basically it will just be a normal Weeknd song but with strings.

Yeah Aguilera would have been a solid choice for Die Another Day.

Yeah her weirdness probably didn't help her chances. Lady Gaga is probably also in the same boat but she's toned it down in recent years. Either one I would have liked better then Smith. His voice does nothing for me.