Clever Username


I just think there are some plot twists that are so famous that they should be retired and the one they used is definitely one of them. The show was already really interesting without having to throw that in there.

The problem is it's really good until it suddenly becomes unnecessarily ridiculous late in the season. So lower your expectations a bit.

Mr. Robot is beautifully shot and well acted but after watching episode 8 and 9 I barely care about the season finale. Does anyone else think the whole writing staff should be fired?

I'm pretty sure people over 50 love Billy Crystal.

Key and Peele would be great especially since judging by some of their skits they seem to be huge movie fans.

Daddy's Eyes, Sweet Talk, and All The Pretty Faces are so good I don't see how they left them off Sams Town. That album could have been perfect if they replaced a few tracks with those ones.

I think they are equal. Both albums have about the same number of songs I love and a few filler tracks that are just mediocre.

There really is no better way to introduce your band to the world then that beginning bass line to Jenny Was a Friend of Mine.

I had no idea this show was still on which means I have like 5 years worth of new episodes I can watch. This makes me really happy.

Yeah they could be adjusting thermostat temperatures instead…on second thought stealing Breaking Bad is more useful.

I saw him on this tour and it was great. I'm glad they filmed it professionally. Definitely would like to see it again except this time not from the back of an arena.

Add Hometown Glory to the list of great songs.

That's so nice of them to announce a new tour days after cancelling the show in my town.

Sadly there are 3 sequels.

Are you sure you aren't confusing "getting laid" with seeing Star Wars Episode 1 because there is movie about that.

I'm not going to lie, I really like this song. Mostly because it reminds me of GTA: Vice City.

I don't know about a Ice T biopic. The last hour would just be him filming Law and Order episodes.

Probably already at a Redbox near you. I'm sure the story of Medical Professional Tre and Chopped Ice will be fascinating.

Yeah in this book he was really against the National Association for the Advancement of Elves.