Clever Username

I clicked on this article just so I could sarcastically comment that I expect this to be as good as Go Set a Watchmen.

The beat on Genocide is probably the best on the album.

You know what would be awesome? If Dr. Dre actually rapped on half the tracks on his album. Maybe I'm just expecting too much.

Never forget.

If New Line could make it look like LOTR lost money then anything is possible.

I would just like to point out that Drake's Back to Back freestyle got 10,000,000+ listens in one day. Also Dr. Dre doesn't write any of his own lyrics yet people don't insult him for it. Why the double standard? Is it just because he makes good beats so people give him a pass?

From that list Florence Welch and Lady Gaga would be really good. Please no Sam Smith.

How do you figure they have near non existent production costs? Trey Parker writes and directs every episode. His salary is in the millions. On top of that the show is made by a team of at least 50 people who work crazy hours for two months straight to produce a season. That can't be cheap.

They are down to 8 episodes a year which means they have 10 months a year to do whatever they want and the money to make it happen. Most people wouldn't turn down a deal like that.

I just wonder how long this $10 a month streaming service fantasy we all live in now will last. I don't think any of the services are making a profit and artists are constantly demanding more. Apple and Google can afford to operate at a loss indefinitely if it means drawing in customers to their devices but something

haha I can only imagine how many terrible unfunny rap skits we would have had to deal with in the 90s had there been no limit on space. And Transistor would have had like 10 more weird instrumentals and yet still would be awesome.

CD singles were always a rip off though. If they had been .99 maybe they would have been in a viable format.

I can't even guess to how many shows Comedy Central has tried and failed to push in the post South Park timeslot over the last 18 years…actually a solid guess is at least 18.

I saw them at Bonnaroo 4 years ago on the smallest stage there with like 10 people standing around and after hearing that atrocious hit single they should be relegated back to that level of fame.

I don't know about you, but I'm sure not going to tell hologram 2 Pac to his face he isn't really a hologram.

Ironically, Chief Keef is the shit I don't like.

When I saw Notorious at #68 my immediate thought was "That Notorious BIG biopic was that good?!?! Damn I have to watch it now."

That will be the day all wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men slowly deflate never to wave again.

Damn I bet we missed out on a sweet Free Willy-esque song on the soundtrack as a result.