Clever Username

Definitely Daredevil. In second is basically any given episode of Inside Amy Schumer.

So far Inside Out is my #1 but that's not really saying much as it has been a weak year for movies.

Good for them. Although I will say the most recent MJ album was pretty good.

That is stupid. Outlaw the moves that actually have an increased risk of giving a wrestler a concussion not the one that seems to be one of the more harmless (but cool looking) finishers out there.

Change the name then. Rollins move isn't even a curb stomp. It's just a stomp on the guys head. If he was putting wrestlers mouths on the ring steps and jumping on them I can see why they would want to get rid of it but that's not the case.

So why doesn't Rollins use the curb stomp anymore? That was one of the best finishers in wrestling.

Yeah that was bad. Where did that gun even come from? I don't recall anyone using it earlier.

Jedi Mind Tricks has a new album?!?! Thank you for making me aware of this.

Is that ever coming out? I don't want them to rip off their fans but I'd rather see their time devoted to RTJ3 then a joke that I think most people forgot about. I kind of feel they should have capped their time at a month and just released whatever they finished.

I saw him on this tour and I had the same great experience. I too was very surprised how respectful everyone was. No one yelled "wooo" during the quiet songs (which was all of them). The outros to the new tracks were so much more powerful live. I was unsure if the live drummer would be overbearing but it was a great

I'd say Sufjan Stevens - Carrie and Lowell is my favorite of the year so far.

I have never cared less about a controversy then this. I'm sorry tour photographers for Taylor Swift, I only have so much outrage to give, and your plight is far down on the list.

This is pizza snobbery overload. Everyone in this video is insufferable. I like Pizza Hut. I like Dominos. I like Papa Johns. They're all good. It's cheese, bread, tomato sauce, and hot dogs. Stop acting like this is Fear Factor.

"We’re not going to grind this horror franchise into the ground." Yeah after seeing the first one I immediately thought to myself this really needs 5 more movies to tell the whole story. But definitely no more than 5 because that would be gratuitous.

You're missing the point. Gorillaz is Damon Albarn. Yeah he works with a variety of artists who obviously contribute but ultimately it is his vision. It is not a group of people working on a whole album together. Therefore I don't consider it to be a super group.

Saying Gorillaz is a super group is like saying Calvin Harris is a super group.

Audioslave was good for the first two albums. Them Crooked Vultures is the highmark of Super groups in my opinion.

Paul Downs is great as Trey on the show. I'm curious to see him play another character.

Turns out it really was an announcement of a Halloween concert. The guy in charge of their website is just an idiot by posting a tease followed by unrelated non exciting news.

I never said I expect them to play 3 hours. Most bands play 1:45 and that's mostly fine with me. I merely giving another example of how they don't give a shit by doing the bare minimum (less than 1:45) and providing an example of a band that goes far beyond the minimum that plays a somewhat similar style of music. If