Clever Username

I mentioned Rush because you could say their music has a similar difficulty level at least on drums. Obviously they have way more songs. I don't expect any band to play for 3 hours but once you pass the 15+ year mark it wouldn't kill you to add 2-3 more songs to your setlist.

Yeah across the board they pretty much don't give a shit anymore. I saw them twice in 2009 and 2012 and it was basically the same show. Also they played for the absolute minimum headliner time of 1.5 hours which for a band that has been around this long is an insult. Rush plays for like 3 hours so there is really no

They put as much effort into updating their website as they do updating fans on the progress of new music.

Yeah their website is Space Jam bad. I refuse to get excited by any Tool news that isn't "Here is their new album for you to listen to". Which is a headline I never expect to see.

I got a kick out of reading all the subheadlines on the paper Anger was always reading. I wish I could have paused the movie at times to catch them all.

I think Dug is the best character Pixar has ever created. So yes I think the rest of the movie has merit too. I am physically incapable of watching that scene where they meet Dug and not smile.

Did you mean to say "Am I the only one who though Monsters University was a lazy cliche ridden unessential money grab sequel?" Sometimes autocorrect can really mess things up.

Picturing one adult getting mad at another adult for mentioning the existence of a scene involving a character named Bing-Bong just makes me laugh. And then picturing the aforementioned scene makes me sad.

This sounds horrible. I refuse to go to those 90's nostalgia tours that come around every year (that always feature Sugar Ray for some reason). This is like all of them combined into one.

The version of The Becoming on Still is so damn good.

As much respect as this album gets, I still think The Fragile is much better. But with that said, The Becoming, Ruiner, and Reptile are some of my favorite NIN songs.

That would make anyone want to leap off a high wall.

I'm not trying to read through 1450 comments so can someone tell me what Sansa and Theon were thinking? Were they trying to kill themselves or escape? There is no way they can survive that fall. There isn't 20 feet of snow there.

I don't care for jam bands but I definitely agree it has lost it's identity, as all major festivals have. It's such big business anymore so everyone seems to get the same group of bands that are on the festival circuit that year and grab whatever major act they know will make 80,000 feel like they got their money's

Yeah the comedy tent was a lot of fun plus it had air conditioning. I also saw Donald Glover do stand up. He was pretty much the star of that years festival.

So lets share some favorite Bonnaroo moments. I've only been once in 2011 but I got to see Childish Gambino perform the first night and it was awesome. Also seeing Big Boi at like 1:00 AM in a small tent just play Outkast's greatest hits with a full band was great.

I wasn't watching wrestling when they debuted so I can't speak to that at all. Was NXT even a thing that you could watch at that time? It certainly wasn't on the level it is now.

I'm the proud owner of his NXT KO shirt. Had to snatch one up before they stop selling them.

Is anyone else blown away by how well they are using Kevin Owens? Not only is it perfect brand synergy but they are actually bringing a guy up to the main roster in the best possible way and making everyone look good in the process. Are we in some bizarro world?

I've watched every season of the show and I am blown away you can remember any of this. All the seasons and contestants just blend together for me at this point..