Clever Username

I don't understand how a performance like this could go off so badly. Don't they rehearse this stuff? Maybe the pyrotechnics are unpredictable but they knew exactly what words he was going to say and they chose to mute all the audio instead of just his mic. It makes no sense.

Dear Disney,

He deserved his success more than anyone. The guy was consistently the most professional and hardest worker in the company. And he became a lot less of a dick as the years went on.

I don't think so. When Joan's secretary answers the phone she says Holloway / Harris not Harris / Olsen.

I'm pretty disappointed that Peggy didn't take Joan's offer. Those two as production company executives is a spin off right there. But I'm glad Stan and Peggy finally realized they were in love with each other.

He would be great. It's a shame his Comedy Central show was cancelled. He deserves to be on TV.

I'm just amazed you can even remember which episodes happened this season let alone specific skits from them. It all blends together for me. My favorite skit was probably The Rock wrestling promo one where gets too personal.

Sasheer Zamata is the only cast member that I would normally expect to be fired but probably won't be for obvious reasons. She has failed to do anything remotely memorable which may or may not be her fault. I think everyone else's job is safe as they all play a certain role and have contributed.

Yeah on the roast of Justin Bieber he actually had jokes about it. He was making fun of Snoop Dogg by saying how watching Soul Plane was the worst plane related thing that has ever happened to him. Another comedian made a joke about how Snoop has inhaled more smoke then Pete's dad on 9/11.

My first live show was a Monday Night Raw in State College, PA back in 2000 or 2001. I had front row tickets right behind the announcers table. And in the opening match Chris Jericho beat HHH for the WWE title. Later in the night he had it stripped away for some reason but talk about a shocking moment. The title

I think Cole is good at what he does but I find the heel announcers these days to be insufferable. JBL and Corey Graves are just terrible. It's so painfully obvious what they are going to say every time. It's always the exact opposite of whatever the play by play guy says without an ounce of creativity or individual

Well Daredevil was pretty fucking serious so I'm fine with the movies being more lighthearted if the TV shows have their own vibe.

So basically we are setting ourselves up to be really disappointed because she'll probably get beheaded by Ramsay Bolton or some shit like that.

Yeah it's crazy to me that people don't care about being able to participate in a pop culture craze but then again we are commenting on a pop culture website so we're not exactly the average person.

You can probably go ahead and start. You have roughly 64 hours of TV to get through. It's not really the type of show where you will be dying to see what happens in the next episode anyway.

I don't wait for anything to be done before starting it. But I do wait for comics to be collected into trades before reading them. That reminds me I have to go buy Batman Vol. 6.

Why would you make a TV movie instead of, I don't know, 2 more episodes?

Please everyone is just keeping the seat warm for Arya. In about 10 years when she becomes a complete bad ass she'll just waltz in their and slay everyone. No army needed.

I'm no expert on her music but I'm pretty sure Florence Welch has a legitimately great voice and doesn't need to lip sync. I watched it again and I don't know why the reviewer thinks that she was doing so in this particular performance.

So has anyone actually tried one of these things? I'm starting to think it's just a hoax. It has gotten so much hype for years now without being an actual commercial product.