Clever Username

The website Twitch is dedicated to watching people play videogames and it was bought by Amazon last year for $970 Million. So it's actually a really popular thing with the kids nowadays.

I used to love this show and as a little kid I would be blown away when they went "inside" the videogame. I feel like a modern day version could be really popular given the amount of people that watch other people play videogames online. I could see the final segment being something with Oculus Rift.

A few years ago they did another Cribs with him at the same house and it had barely changed.

I can explain why I don't like it. They continued down the ill advised path of abandoning their guitars and many of the songs have the same mellow atmospheric sound which I find boring.

Outstanding track exhibit A: This River is Wild

Yeah but more like Battle Born era Killers which no one really likes but kind of just deals with because their earlier stuff was so good.

Since you are a "music fan" and clearly not a fan of reading comprehension let me spell it out for you. I said Mumford's "gritty passionate VOCALS" are what appeals to me. As in the the sound of his voice has a rough texture that I find interesting. And Babel and Broken Crown showcase those vocals. I never said their

Listen to the songs Babel and Broken Crown then tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

The appeal for me is that Marcus Mumford brings gritty passionate vocals to a genre that is lacking that. Also their songs are catchy. I don't really listen to folk music nor do I want to spend time exploring the genre so through them I can get a nice catchy taste of that sound when I'm in the mood.

I don't disagree with the reviewer but the album is still enjoyable to listen to. Thompkins Square Park is definitely the highlight of the album. Unfortunately it's also the first song.

I never thought I'd miss Joffrey as King but it happened when Tommen acted like a little bitch with those Sparrows. Joffrey would have had all of them beheaded immediately. Problem solved.

2 years ago I would have said yes I do. But now the movies are becoming so epic and moving beyond Earth that a normal spy movie would be kind of a let down. It's a shame really because Scarlett Johansson is such a good actress she kind of deserved the showcase but I think that window has passed.

My new goal in life is to walk into work every day like Peggy going into McCann on her first day.

I completely agree about the opening scene. I thought the visuals got better for the rest of the movie but that opening scene was such a let down. I wonder if they were pushed for time. I really don't see see any other excuse given the near unlimited budget a movie like this has.

After watching this I'm convinced Avengers: Infinity Wars needs to be a 10 hour Netflix miniseries. That is the only way it could possibly due justice to the amount of characters that will exist in the MCU by that time.

When I went they "searched" all the vehicles upon entry which basically meant if you wanted to bring in anything illegal you just had to carry it on you. You had to be an idiot to get caught. And once I was inside people were just walking around the camp grounds offering drugs out in the open. It was unreal.

Yeah drugs are essentially legal there. I can't imagine Live Nation will be cool with that.

I've been to Bonnaroo once (4 years ago) and I enjoyed myself. It was a cool atmosphere and the festival was very organized and offered a great selection of bands and food/drink options. I see no way Live Nation being involved will improve on this festival in any way.

Yes site "improvements" like all food and drink options will be from Live Nation approved vendors and the overall pool of bands will be limited to bands who have some agreement with Live Nation. And don't be surprised when tickets now have an increased "service" charge.

A Guillermo del Toro project was cancelled?!?! What a shocker. At this point, AV Club should have a template that they just insert the title of the project into and press publish.