Clever Username

Are you insinuating that the guy who wrote S.W.A.T. and Sabotage isn't going to write amazing script for this movie?!?!

Yeah the forehead tattoo is stupid, but I'm not going to hate too much on the overall look. I doubt he'll have his shirt off that much anyway. Assuming the script doesn't suck, I have faith Leto can deliver an incredible performance worthy of the character.

That email will sadly work with every character.

I've already deleted the app. I signed up for the 30 day trial and gave it a shot. The increase in sound quality was barely noticeable to my ears (although an audiophile friend of mine said it was a big improvement for him). So to me it was certainly not worth twice the price of Spotify. And the $10 version didn't

I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy that bass line.

B- are you kidding me?!?! Uneven…I guess in the sense some episodes are really awesome while some episodes are just awesome. Can't wait for another season.

Yeah for the return of creepy Glen! He's back and creepier than ever. This can only mean they are planning an extremely dark spin off show about his time in Vietnam.

Exactly. I can't think of a TV show that showcases a higher quantity of comedians than @Midnight. Regardless of what you think of Hardwick, if you are a comedian, how can you not support that?

I don't get the dislike for Hardwick. I think he's a very competent host / moderator and he throws in some funny impromptu jokes every now and then. He can be smug at times but he is genuinely interested in the material that he covers whether it be on @midnight or his podcast and that goes a long way with me.

@Midnight is original and hilarious and I have discovered so many new comedians as a result of watching that show. This guy just sounds bitter.

Everyone knows unless you say "no homo" directly after complimenting another man then it's totally sexually charged.

Yes and that is why that character is so great. I love how Fisk is intimidated by her. The visual difference between a large man and a frail older women makes me laugh, but thanks to the writers and actors involved, her ability to intimidate is believable.

Getting into a discussion over who is more deserving of a fake degree is a rabbit hole not worth going down. I agree with you though, these types of honors are typically only given to people who have achieved a high level of mainstream success, despite the fact that there might be others who are just as deserving but

In that case you should check out these hot up and coming rappers named the Wu-Tang Clan. Also I hear this Notorious BIG guy is pretty good.

I can understand being pissed at someone just being awarded a degree (although it's honorary people, chill out) but the truth of the matter is Kanye has created art that has been loved by millions of people for 10 years now. Whether you think it's high art or even good art is obviously subjective but chances are 99.9%

You are talking about a show that paid $250,000 to use a Beatles song for 30 seconds. It can absolutely afford better. Unless you work for AMC or can prove otherwise, I have a hard time believing it is anything but an artistic decision.

I'm pretty sure the low budget aesthetic is intentional and I kind of dig it. Similar to the airplane scene from last season. For some reason the cheesiness just works because of the time period.

I agree that was ridiculous but I had completely forgotten about that until you mentioned it now. To me that kind of stuff is a footnote in the overall scheme of things. Basically everything outside of Don and Peggy and maybe Roger are side stories that range in quality but have little effect on my overall perception

I don't understand how anyone could be hate watching it at this point. This isn't Dexter. Mad Men has maintained the same high level of quality pretty much since season 3 or 4.

Have you watched Bloodline yet? She looks smoking in that show.