Clever Username

Yeah I was very confused about her attitude in that scene. Don had been nothing but generous and mature in handling the whole divorce up to this point. Her outburst didn't make sense unless it was solely a result of her being frustrated with her mom and Harry hitting on her.

I don't know whether to be more surprised that this show is still on or that he was the host.

Move over Oldboy, we have a new king of single take hallway fight scenes. That whole episode was just awesome. I'm only three episodes in but I'm really enjoying this show so far.

Forget The Fighter how about Warrior.Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte were great in that.

I have great respect for PT Anderson for his ability to get the absolute best performance possible out of an actor, but in general I find his movies boring. And The Master was no different. It's as simple as that. I want a story to engage me and for whatever reason his stories typically do not.

Preach. Greenburg belongs in the worst 50 of the decade. Francis Ha is enjoyable (only because of Greta Gerwig) but not top 5 by any means.

The broadway version? I didn't know that. I only saw the touring one a couple years ago. He's really perfect for that musical.

AV Club has really outdone themselves on making a horrible list. I think this was created just to get the comment section in a frenzy. The Act of Killing is the only one of the top five that I have no problem with being there.

I thought it was his best movie, but I thought all his other movies were just decent so I'm coming from the perspective of someone who isn't really a fan.

This guy definitely deserves the shot at a lead part in a movie. He's consistently the funniest part of Girls. Looking forward to see what comes of this.

B = Black Keys…who the fuck is Boris?!?
C = Coheed and Cambria
M = Muse
S = Silversun Pickups

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the people that betrayed Jesus resulting in him being crucified were Jewish. So Jesus coming back to life is like saying "nice try, Jews."

The best (or worst) part of this video is the fact that every kid thought the Chumbawumba song was the best.

My only previous knowledge of Scientology came from the South Park episode, so I was familiar with the creation myth aspects but that's it. I had no idea LRH was as insane as he was and didn't know the lengths to which they go to keep people within their ranks. So those parts of the documentary were surprising to me.

Why was all the archival footage of Hubbard all zoomed up on his teeth?!?! Really gross.

That's actually what goes on in our break room at work. We've lost a lot of good programmers that way. On a related note we are hiring…

Oh god I hate those overused phrases. The worst is when job descriptions say they are looking for a "rockstar". I'm guessing those are the jobs brogrammers apply for. No thank you.

As a professional programmer myself, I don't believe these mythical "brogrammers" exist. I've heard the stories, but I have never encountered them in the wild. From my experience, you either get the cliche anti-social nerd types (who are always at least nice) or normal social people.

I loved the crowd. They were loud as hell, gave the NXT people debuting tons of support, booed Cena to a comical level (I think he truly enjoys it), and despite obvious respect for Rollins, booed his total heel move in backing out of the match. You have my respect San Jose.

Tidal is so exclusive after signing up and giving them my credit card to start a free trial I still can't log in. What a joke.