Clever Username

I can't wait for the day when the smug people of the expert section finally cannot come into the beginners comments and leave spoilers disguised as predictions.

This episode gets an A from me for its use of NIN's Somewhat Damaged in the cold open. Also for Rick giving a full on crazy monologue while covered in blood.

But how will we know what is going on in the complex and intriguing minds of the cast of Real World? I really need to know how they truly felt about getting drunk the night before and whether that will affect how much they get drunk tonight.

Glastonbury fans always hate on rap. People were pissed when Jay-Z headlined. I'm convinced they just want Muse to headline 3 nights in a row every year (which honestly I would absolutely pay to see).

Meanwhile Mulaney is looking to get $5 per episode for its streaming rights. It currently has no offers.

It was only a matter of time before the music industry got caught up with the software industry when it came to bullshit lawsuits. Whoever the first person to add hand claps to their song can probably sue every artist in the world now and everyone will just settle out of court.

They really sound nothing alike. I am all for people being taken to court for creating the aural atrocity that is Blurred Lines, but this is just ridiculous.

What happened? Did they not have a final Jeopardy then? What was Alex's reaction?

Alex McCown this is probably the best expert witness yet. Really nice job. Very in depth which is what I want out of these.

I really hope this data was gathered from an exit poll and not from the people at the box office secretly keeping track of which race you are when you buy a ticket.

I figured I'd be the guy to actually give you a non-sarcastic answer and tell you that there are two guitarists. Jim Root is the other one.

As a software engineer myself, I would love to see an in depth documentary on the making of GTA V. The single player game was a god damn masterpiece of engineering and creativity as far as I'm concerned. To create a piece of software on that scale, at that level of quality, kind of blows my mind considering some of

I genuinely enjoyed watching Road Rules when I was younger. And I can neither confirm nor deny that I still watch it's television offspring The Challenge to this day.

I agree, but at the same time I can see it both ways. If you introduce financial or familiar struggles into the movie then you are creating drama that is kind of distracting (although not unrealistic). Instead the movie mainly focuses on the person living with the disease. And that is not necessarily a bad thing given

Today at the gym I bench pressed 135lbs 8 times. That is neither a world record or even a personal best, so yeah you should be pretty impressed AV Club. Look for me in the new season of Game of Thrones as The Mountain's long lost brother who uses his brains instead of his muscles.

Oh God now studios are bragging about trailer views on YouTube?!?! I'm sure we're only a few months away from studios putting into a commercial how many tweets they had opening weekend.

What innovations is he talking about?!?! You mean making it even more boring than usual and giving away only one award in the first 25 minutes?

You say that like it's a bad thing. They are better off moving her into an entirely new region each season than stretching a plot out way too long like they did with seasons 2 and 3.

If the Russian president from House of Cards can also be the villain in Homeland, I wouldn't be upset with that. He is a great character.

I would say it's all worth watching, but what you've heard is very accurate.