Clever Username

Does anyone still watch this show? Has it gotten any better? I stopped after like 3 episodes.

I'm not a big enough fan of Madonna to have any opinion as to what songs should or should not have been included. I just wanted to say I love the concept of this feature, and I would like to see more of it please.

I too found that bit to be funny. Have you ever seen one of David Blaine's old street magic specials? All the black people do what Ansari describes. It's just a totally random racial observation that had to yet to be told on stage. And to use that reaction as example of how we should all approach aspects of life we

Yes he has put out a lot of good stand up in recent years, played a funny character for 7 seasons on Parks and Rec, and starred in a very underrated and hilarious sketch comedy show. So yeah he deserves to be selling out MSG. This stands in contrast to Kevin Hart who has yet to do one funny thing in his entire career.

Yeah it was definitely too much clapping. But I think you're right about the reasoning. The phone bit was great.

This was definitely his weakest special so far. It still has some laughs but not the same level as his previous efforts. The crowd work segment was great though. Pretty awesome to seem him sell out the Garden. He deserves this level of success.

Obvious Child was excellent so Slate and Robespierre definitely deserve a shot like this. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of it.

I have a similar feeling with the drums. The pedal was awkward and hearing the sound of wood hitting plastic drown out the drum sounds would completely take me out of the rhythm.

For real? Oh shit that changes everything! Here's a blank check, just fill it in with what you think is right.

I'm really curious to see what this sells for. Even if I was super rich I wouldn't bid on some album that wasn't good enough to be released in the first place. I'm a big Wu-Tang fan but collectively they haven't put out anything above average in 15 years. They don't deserve to be rewarded for mediocrity no matter how

Has anyone ever bought advance tickets more than a few days before a show? I live in a smaller city so maybe it's different elsewhere but we have so many theaters nothing sells out except for the one IMAX theater.

Sure it COULD be a disappointment, but you know what IS a disappointment…everything after Aliens. So who cares. Let him try.

Can we get a round of applause for that opening paragraph. This is news that actually deserves that level of snark.

They changed the wording of the headline. I would like to think it is because of our comments. Yeah I'm going with that.

Two months ago I would have been excited for Sense8 but after seeing the absolute garbage that is Jupiter Ascending I have lost all faith in the Wachowskis.

Whoa are you saying that The United States of Tara wasn't scientifically accurate? Now I don't know what to believe anymore.

Yeah I guess "offended by SNL sketch" is not an independent clause so you wouldn't put a comma before it. It could be rewritten as "SNL sketch offends viewers who are unaware of what Saturday Night Live is." But ending in "is" might not be professional enough.

I'm still confused. Is it missing some kind of punctuation after is?

In that case I guess we should anticipate 20 more seasons. If you thought WWI was crazy, wait until they get sent off to fight in WWII.

Why hasn't this show ended already? It has already defied all British logic by having more than 2 seasons. It's starting to get downright American in it's refusal to end. I think the people behind Dexter are secretly running this show now.