Clever Username

I'm not going to lie, I've always liked this song. Tom's verse included.

Wait this show is still on and people watch it? I gave up after 3 episodes when I realized any character at any time could just be a follower for no reason other than they needed to get someone out of an impossible situation.

At first I figured it was made by one of Duplass's fellow mumblecore filmmakers, but it is not. So yeah I have no idea either.

I couldn't remember what the current name was. There has been too many mergers. Not to mention there is like 10 partners at this point.

I think we need to have a vote on whether or not this is a gimmick account. With its account history private and 3000 comments it's really hard to decide.

This is some real Pulitzer prize shit right here. Who says investigative journalism is dead? Not the Huffington Post!

Yeah it's awful. I would say Jericho probably has my favorite theme song of all time so he definitely has the right to make fun of anyone else when it comes to that subject.

I just discovered his theme was titled "Metalingus." It definitely just became intolerable to me.

I'm just going to go out on a limb here and predict this school won't require vaccinations.

I want to see this in order to get some insight into how a movie as shitty as Only God Forgives is created. The process must be fascinating.

Bonus points to Bill Jones for asking Jericho which wrestling theme he hates the most. Ass Man is definitely a good choice.

Obviously it should be called "American Alien." Got to follow the Hollywood trends.

I find that extremely hard to believe. I went to Penn State and I don't know anyone that doesn't think Sandusky deserves to rot in prison and Paterno didn't do enough.

Great, now I have stop studying and play DuckTales for Nintendo. Thanks AV Club for ruining my productivity even more than you always do.

Good point. The other guys have moved on to their own unique look so there is no reason he shouldn't as well.

You mean you don't like that every season they seemingly find a miraculous safe haven town filled with food and luxury only to discover that its inhabitants are crazy people? I can't get enough of that plot device.

He and Samantha got to guest host last year when Stewart had food poisoning or something and they were pretty bad. I like them as correspondents but not hosts.

I actually haven't seen much of Orton as a wrestler. I stopped watching wrestling for like a decade up until last years wrestlemania. So I don't have an opinion of his actual wrestling skills but he just seems to be completely lacking in personality.

I don't care what anyone else thinks, I like Dr. Knockboot.

Your ability to find strangely relevant posts never fails to amaze me.