Clever Username

I'll be honest "I Am…" is my favorite Nas album. Maybe because it's the album that got me into Nas (I started listening to rap in the late 90's). But I feel songs like Dr. Knockboot, Nas is Like, and Undying Love (just to name a few) never get the respect they deserve.

I was at the Rumble and the entire Rumble match was surreal to experience live. After Bryan got eliminated all the energy in the place was just sucked out and nothing that happened afterwards had a chance of restoring it. I felt so conflicted at the end because obviously seeing The Rock in person for the first time in

I look forward to seeing this mostly because of my crush on Sophia Takal. Levine has always struck me as someone who could be really good in a comedy so I'm cautiously optimistic about this.

You don't like the "I just got off from my day job as a member of the SWAT team" style he has going on? I actually don't mind it. And honestly his clothing choices are really the least of his issues at the moment.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I approve of wrestling coverage. I would like to discuss wrestling with intelligent AV Club folk.

*Sheepishly tunes in to The Voice on purpose.
*Pretends to not have watched every season.
*Watches Parks and Rec finale.
*Is happy with 3 hours of entertaining TV.

Ha ok here is why I hate tuxedos:

That sounds awful. You were clearly in the right to tell them to piss off. And I'm guessing the people wearing a tux actually own one and regret the fact they purchased one so they are like fuck it I got to get my money's worth I'm wearing it to the Oscar party. Don't get me started on my hatred for tuxedos.

I'm really curious, how far does the theme go? Like is it just the outside? Please tell me they use an old timey cash register.

While I agree The Lumineers deserve to be made fun of for their completely calculated rustic look, Paternoster just comes across as jealous. Ho Hey is a catchy pop folk song with a good sing-a-long chorus.

I don't think there is Linklater hate. I think just about everyone (myself included) enjoyed Boyhood on some level. I think what you are seeing is a strong reaction to all the people who think it was the best movie of the year and should win all these awards when I don't think it deserved any given the other nominees.

I thought the ending of whiplash was cliche. The ending of Gone Girl is more my type of thing.

In the first 27 minutes they gave out 1 award. Trust me you missed nothing. I fast forwarded through almost all of it.

This was one of the most dull Oscars I have ever seen but I give points for the opening joke where NPH said they are going to celebrate the "best and whitest." Also talking to seat fillers was hilarious considering the recent Expert Witness article. The first one looked like she knew her relative was going to get

Rope did it in a small apartment. Not quite the same.

I still don't understand how he isn't a big movie star at this point. He must have a terrible agent. Or maybe he just doesn't care.

She won an Oscar in February 2014 and a few months later she was cast in the new Star Wars movie so I think she's doing just fine.

I'm glad a lot of artists have just started releasing albums when they are done. It's so obnoxious to finish an album and have it sit there for months while the labels try to craft some marketing plan. And then everyone gets upset when the album leaks as if that wasn't going to happen when its just sitting there.

That's good to hear. Don't get me wrong I think Scientology is crazy but it would certainly concern me if Germany is outlawing any religions.

Rubicon. Never forget.