Clever Username

I agree she was wonderful in that movie.

I agree. Best original song is such a stupid category because 90% of the time the song is only used in the closing credits. I think best original score should remain but add Best Use Of Music which takes into account everything.

At this point can we agree to not waste newswire articles on this guy unless he actually gets put in jail. I feel like you could just copy and paste any number of old articles about some country almost arresting him.

Don't get me wrong calling animated movies "kiddie movies" angers me, but the fact that someone abstained from voting in a category that they know nothing about is a really good thing.

Best trailer. Yeah its like saying best commercial but making a good trailer is an art form in itself and can have a huge difference on the success of a movie.

Uh no they didn't get it right. Jake Gyllenhaal didn't get nominated and neither did Nightcrawler. Also The Lego Movie.

I can't decide whether I prefer Pennsylvania Keybone or Pennsylvania Pipe.

That would be amazing but I think he might have a "I can't legally appear on TV until a certain date" thing going on right now. I could be wrong though.

She was really awkward on The Tonight Show the other week so I'm expecting this to be awful. But I'm hoping the musical guest is someone off the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack like The Weeknd or Annie Lennox because either one would be pretty great.

It's hard to remember at this point but I think the first two season are SLOW. But if you make it to season 3 it picks up and remains really interesting up to and including whatever season we are on now.

I go to a theater where you can buy alcohol and usually I'm the only one that does. I can't imagine people being so drunk that they are vomiting in the aisles but I guess this was girls night out! woooooo!

If you intend to watch BB at some point then just start watching it now. Why wait? Then you don't have to avoid spoilers here. You'll be able to finish before season 2 of BCS starts for sure. You'll miss one season of discussion on BCS but it's better then having to skim comments here or avoid it all together. But if

Sounds like something left off Seven Swans. It's decent but I was hoping Carrie and Lowell was the first single as that clip from the trailer was awesome.

I wish Miley Cyrus and The Californians were missing from the show. Besides that I'm going to have to agree with everyone and say Eddie Murphy not being in a skit was ridiculous. Even Bill Murray gave it his all in one and unlike Murphy he is still relevant.

He was clearly too sick to perform but did anyway so I kind of give him a pass on this. Sia and Vic Mensa sounded great though.

I'd like to see more combinations of old and new cast. Seeing Kate Mckinnon and Will Ferrell together in something was awesome and I want more of that.

Considering SNL skits go on for 50% too long a 3.5 hour special sounds about right.

I doubt that will happen since they would probably have to pay the performers and that's not going to happen.

Martin Short's joke about hosting as many times as Robert Blake is the hardest I've laughed all night. Definitely not expecting that to happen.

I'm not really feeling that new song. I really like 808s and Hearbreak but the new song is pretty dull. And why only feature Sia at the very end? Kind of a waste of a good voice.