Clever Username

If it has all original beats and you charge for it, it's definitely not a mixtape.

Probably my favorite bit of his. "I'm getting kind of a rapey vibe from this girl…"

The best part of the work place scenes are when they show her one co-worker's seething contempt for her. I can't wait until she can't hold in her rage anymore and flips out on her. Probably will get fired for it while Ilana will keep her job.

I really like how this season Abbi has become just as big of a star as Ilana. In the first season she almost always played the straight women to Ilana's crazy antics but this season she is taking center stage and I think the show can only be better off for having both characters capable of carrying an episode.

It does seem like the Comedy Central half hour barely exists these days. I remember when it used to be THE way to showcase a comedian.

So is this really just a comedy album and not a video I can pay $5 for and download? I didn't think anyone did that anymore.

I like the panel discussion and keep it 100. His opening introductions are basically humorless though. I think he should go straight into the panel. Also his answers to keep it 100 at the very end are so lame. He basically gives the equivalent of a yes or no answer without explaining his reasoning.

Well I find all the aforementioned shows really funny but regardless I do agree they do not show enough repeats of their shows. Although the counter to that is all their stuff is available on their app and website so you can watch it whenever you want.

Yeah because based on one comment you can tell if I'm a Gilligan apologist. I thought the first episode was only decent and the use of Tuco at the end was *gasp* lame and felt forced. But the 2nd episode completely changed my opinion by the way they used the character. And the quality of the episode as a whole was

I don't know if you are a football fan but Chris Fowler leaving Gameday is on that same level too. I honestly don't remember TV without these guys.

Yeah except for the fact they have Key and Peele, Broad City, Workaholics, Nathan For You, Inside Amy Schumer, Review, and @Midnight. Man they are really hurting for funny shows.

I don't blame him. You can't do it forever. As an avid viewer I have felt there has been a decrease in quality since his former head writer left to start John Oliver's show. With Colbert gone and the turn over in correspondents I feel this is an appropriate time to step down. End of an era for sure. He will be missed

If a guy with the crazy intensity of Tuco is holding a gun to your head you are not going to calmly think to yourself "he's not going to shoot me because his Grandma would hear." You would think "please don't shoot me, please don't shoot me, please don't shoot me…"

Or it was a beautifully shot intense scene that demonstrated the moment in time Jimmy learned he was capable of keeping composed under pressure and dealing with major criminals in a professional and almost reasonable manner. It was basically the birth of the future Saul Goodman and using Tuco to accomplish this

I agree. Drinking Buddies and Happy Christmas are also the most accessible of his movies. All The Light in the Sky is pretty good as well. His horror stuff is decent but all his other movies are super mumblecore so if you aren't into that type of movie you will most likely not like them at all.

Good for him. He deserves a nice pay day for once. I've enjoyed many of his films and his recent output has been almost studio like in its aesthetic so it was only a matter of time before this happened.

Organic web shooters makes total sense given the other powers he gets. I don't understand why anyone would be upset about that change. I don't believe some high school kid can create a compact reliable device that shoots extremely strong webs.

The first episode was decent but this episode felt like I was watching Breaking Bad again in the best possible way. There is no way both episodes deserve the same grade.

That press release is a great example of PR face saving. I don't believe for one second Sony actually has creative control and making Avi Arad an "executive producer" is a nice way of saying we are paying him to stay away from now on.

I'm pretty sure that in 2009 if you walked into the AMC offices and said that 6 years from now there will be a spin off show involving the lawyer from Breaking Bad and it will get record ratings you would be laughed out of the building.