Clever Username

I think he killed himself and the end shot is us seeing what Emma Stone is imagining which is her father is alive and flying. Much like when Riggan is alone we get a warped reality I believe in the hospital it is the first time we ever see her in a scene by herself so I assume like daughter like father we are

I actually like this ending although I think it would have made more sense if they got Hugh Jackman. He's played Wolverine 7 times now and no stranger to theater.

That would be amazing if all award shows had a "We screwed up" award and gave it to the people whose work clearly stood the test of time and deserved it in hindsight.

I watched the performance again and you can clearly hear his acoustic guitar but his vocals are non existent in the mix. And the other two guys are playing separate electric guitar and bass parts.

How is my statement hyperbolic? I didn't say he is the greatest rapper or producer of all time. That would be hyperbolic. Do you not agree he has made some of the best rap albums of the last decade?

I looked it up and Eminem has actually won for every album he's released but Encore (which is fitting). It's only been given out 20 times and 6 of those are to Eminem. Kanye has won it for every album but Yeezus (also fitting).

Are you trolling? The guy has consistently made some of the best rap albums of the last 10+ years and produced so many great tracks for other artists. He's popular because he's really talented and makes great music. And he succeeds despite being a huge douche which shows just how good his music is.

I remember years ago there was a big uproar about never televising the best Rap album and so they started doing it but now it seems like they just abandoned televising all awards. Seriously I think they gave out 4 awards in a 3 hour+ broadcast

Clearly you missed the two guitarists standing right next to him that were forced to stand in the shadows because they might take away focus from Kanye. And I'm pretty sure neither McCartney's mic nor guitar were actually turned on.

In the last month Twitter has had to deal with who is Paul Mccartney? and who is Missy Elliot? so who is Beck? isn't even on my radar as something to get upset over.

That certainly was an inexcusable omission from the nominees for 2011.

It's hard to remember what albums I liked from years past but Adele 21 and Arcade Fire The Suburbs were at least the best of the nominees in their respective years.

We can only dream of a future where there are no Sam Smiths to win that award.

Maybe just maybe the recording academy will discover Run the Jewels by then although their stuff might not be eligible because its free.

I'll be the first one to admit when a super popular pop song is catchy but Stay With Me is just awful. I don't get it. If anyone else won I wouldn't mind but Sam Smith does absolutely nothing for me.

Morning Phase is a good album though. He's certainly not mainstream anymore but not quite Herbie Hancock level out of touch. I'm just glad Sam Smith didn't win. Stay With Me is insufferable.

In his defense he was probably extremely high and had no idea what was going on.

This isn't 2010. Channing Tatum has proven himself as both a serious and comedic actor. And there is no best part of Jupiter Ascending, everyone is terrible in it.

I don't have any sources but I just feel like I always read articles every year that state that about specific artists. But I did see John Legend on a preshow this year and he said last year the day after the Grammys All of Me went from 54 to 3 on iTunes and he considers the Grammys to be the main reason it reached #1.

The Grammys are just a way to advertise. If you perform or win an award your music sales increase substantially. The actual awards don't mean anything but it's good for business so they will always happen.