Clever Username

You're missing the point. There was a 10 minute long well choreographed segment of this episode that was unlike anything the show had ever done and it wasn't even mentioned in the review. That's a glaring omission.

It's been a long time since I've seen that but it's probably on that level. But unlike you I don't remember liking it at all.

This is no B. More like a D. It's even more awful than the trailer made it out to be. And this is coming from someone whose favorite movie of all time is The Matrix. I've enjoyed everything the Wachowskis have done to varying levels but not this movie. Everyone involved is better than this.

Clearly you forgot about the masterpiece Jumper. In all honesty though he has never lived up to the promise he showed in Shatter Glass.

How the hell can you review this episode and not talk about the amazing Birdman-esque 10 minute take that happens as Charlie masterfully runs the chaos during the inspection?!?!

This is disappointing. I don't watch any nightly news but if shit goes bad I want Brian Williams telling me what is happening. I just don't understand why anyone would lie about this in the first place.

I thought it was good enough to watch the entire season but I'm not in love with it. I also have no idea where the show is going to go in its 2nd season.

The most interesting one is where he said he saw Jay-Z actually read a pre-written line off a computer for the 2nd verse of 99 problems.

I approve of this. He did good work with The Black Keys. I think he can definitely bring something fresh out of RHCP.

[Quietly calls producers of To Catch a Predator…discovers it has been off the air since Dan in Real Life came out.]

Before seeing it I thought to myself how could they possibly still make this funny and then I saw Grunky Peep and all my doubts were put to rest. Yeah it's not as great as the first one but it still puts a smile on my face.

The funniest part to me was the spot on parody of how the on air personalities interact with each other down to the handshakes and forced laughter after the lame ribbing. And the unexpected twist of the robot becoming self aware was just fantastic.

I know he only plays with Limp Bizkit to get money so that he can do other stuff but damn you don't have to insult the people giving you the money. Even if they deserve to be made fun of.

I'm American but a few years ago I was in Australia during the Super Bowl and it was so weird since all the ads were just normal local ads. Also it aired Monday morning. Super Bowl Monday just doesn't have the same ring to it.

I only watch the Super Bowl for the game. I know I'm weird.

I will faithfully stand by my opinion. We'll just have to agree to go our separate ways on this issue.

How did you embed a YouTube clip in a comment? What wizardry have thou bestowed upon thee. We must burn this heretic at once I say!

Don't Stop Believing is not pleasant background music. Anyone who likes that song is wrong.

You might not be familiar with the song The Motto but you are familiar with the devastating consequences of that song's existence which is the wide spread use of the phrase YOLO.

That list is atrocious and sadly not surprising.