Clever Username

As a drummer myself I'm all about the drummer being up front but in the case of Carney it adds very little. I've seen them 3 times now, all in large venues, and I can rarely hear what the keyboard player is doing. I know from the albums there is a lot of keyboard parts but it definitely gets lost in the mix in arenas.

Great I can't wait to not be able to see it in the format the director intended because no theaters in North Carolina can project that.

According to Wikipedia he has sold 300 million books. Exactly zero of which were sold to me.

Pretty sure the drum tech could sub in for those shows and no one would care. I saw them last month and it was a good show but Dan Auerbach is the only irreplaceable person on that stage.

Yeah I agree it was definitely cliche filled. I just enjoyed the performances so much. I'm an avid watcher of SNL so the novelty of getting to see Bill Hader in a lead dramatic role was enough to compensate.

Yeah I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened. It's easy money. The concept is timeless and all the people who watched it as a kid are now old enough to have kids so they would definitely take them to see it. And with today's technology they could really push the concept even further.

I think a remake of Quantum Leap would be pretty cool. To work for today's audiences I think you would have the Sam character leap like 4 times a season so each setting gets like a 3 episode arc and there would be some thread that holds them all together. You could go a lot of ways with the tone either more intense

It's certainly possible. Jack Sparrow has to have dozens of illegitimate children.

I looked it up and there is a 29 year age gap between them. So yeah he is definitely old enough to be her father.

If it makes you feel better the book is as bad as the title.

I honestly tried to get through Greenberg at least 3 times and just couldn't. I've never had that kind of reaction to a movie before.

The Skeleton Twins was an entertaining movie with a really good performance by Bill Hader and great chemistry between its lead actors. Why the hatred? Your hyperbole ridden diatribe doesn't exactly provide any insight.

Well Scalia will obviously succumb to pressure from Republicans to deny Richard Pryor the swag all Americans have a right to. I believe that is the main component of Obamacare.

I can only assume the defense will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Richard Pryor had swag. This could be a landmark decision in the field of swag law. I'm willing to bet the famous supreme court case of M.I.A. vs. Everyone Else on the Corner will be cited. The legal community must be sitting breathless in

Do you think this album is going to be like Heavyweight Championship good or more like Intercontinental Championship good? As long as it's not European Championship awful then I'll be happy.

Finished listening to it and this is not a B album. This is as impressive a debut as you can hope for. Saying it's not a classic is kind of stupid. Nothing can be a classic after being out for a day. A classic = great album + time and this has the great album part taken care of.

I went to one years ago to support a friend of mine who was just starting out in comedy. I remember being really anxious not only for my friend (it was his first time on stage) but for everyone else too. There was definitely some bombs but my friend did pretty well. I think in general the crowds are mostly all

I can't see WWZ mentioned and not think of the South Park parody where Cartman keeps causing planes to crash. That movie was so stupid.

Cool I've seen everything but Gunner Palace and Baghadad E.R.

Interesting. I was unaware. I've never served in the military so I take war movies at face value. To your knowledge has there ever been a war movie that doesn't embellish and people consider to be authentic? It's crazy to me that Hollywood needs to "enhance" war stories but clearly it continues to happen to this day.