Clever Username

I look forward to the day 15 years from now when hipster bands release their music on CD just to be cool.

For 97% of America it hasn't even come out yet.

I know he was awesome as the school principal in Interstellar.

Exactly it actually plays a part in setting up the story. 99% of songs nominated in this category just play during the credits.

We all know you are the director of the straight to DVD Lincoln Logs movie and you're just jealous.

I celebrated by drinking 70 beers before writing this comment.

I keep forgetting about her. She deserves it over Streep and Stone. But it's still nothing compared to the amount of good lead performances or male supporting ones.

I saw it in imax and I had no problem with the sound. Also sound editing has nothing to do with the problems people seemed to have with the sound.

Sure if you nominate Stone then why not Naomi Watts.

I have yet to see an article mention it was disqualified because of something like that so I think it's just a straight up snub.

I think it's just a result of there being so few good supporting female roles this year. I don't think Stone's performance was anything special but it's tough to come up with other options. Gyllenhaal for Frank? Lynskey for Happy Christmas? Wiig for Skeleton Twins (although that's more lead role)? Chastain for

I thought Redmayne was still able to portray the sarcastic humor and cockiness of the character as his physical limitations progressed so I'm all for him being nominated. I thought Carell was too over the top at times (maybe the real guy was though) and I agree that makeup was a bit distracting and unnecessary. Still

I don't think the voters watch many movies in general. I wrote the Lego Movie off until I saw it and it blew me away. But the key is I saw it.

I don't think it's fair to call out Redmayne as if he didn't deserve it. I would definitely put Gyllenhaal over Carrell though in that category. American Sniper hasn't come out yet in my city so I can't speak to Coopers worthiness. But Gyllenhaal was incredible so it's hard to put anyone over him.

I enjoyed it more than Imitation Game, Whiplash, Boyhood, Theory of Everything, and just a hair more than Birdman. I haven't seen the rest of the nominees so that shows how much I enjoyed The Lego Movie.

EDIT: I just realized you were talking about A Most Violent Year and not Interstellar. I forgot that movie came out at like 11:59 PM on 12/31. Its not in my city yet.

So in case you guys didn't hear we are all meeting at my house around 6 before storming the Kodak theater. Make sure to bring your own pitchforks and torches. Viva la Lego Movie!

Ben Affleck has been redeemed for years now. Pretty much ever since he directed Gone Baby Gone. Mike Myers on the other hand hasn't done shit. One documentary that no one saw does not make up for 100 Shrek movies and The Love Guru.

Well unfortunately time travel doesn't exist and I don't live in some cool city that shows movies like that projected in 70mm so it's either watching on my 46inch tv or not at all.

It doesn't make me angry I just think it's out of place in a city outside of LA/NYC that's all.