Clever Username

Easy. You just have to have a 20+ year career as a respected director and then you do whatever the hell you want.

I look forward to his re-edit of Oceans 12 where he turns it into a coherent movie.

That makes sense at the Arclight because half the people are probably in the movie industry if not huge fans but in the North Carolina strip mall movie theaters I go to it's not exactly the same crowd.

If I could pull up Netflix and watch it then it wouldn't be an issue. But like so many movies it was pulled from streaming services awhile ago and as a result I'm not going to pay $8 to rent it when this cut is free and online.

Apparently you go to a theater that exists in the wet dream of a studio executive. I have never been to a theater where hundreds of people clapped at the end as if they just experienced something special together. The shared experience thing means nothing 99% of the time.

I tried watching it once when it was on Netflix and I got bored. Now that you can't stream it anywhere would I be ruining my experience by watching this recut instead?

So let me get this straight, I can't watch 2001 through any streaming service that I pay for like Netflix or Amazon but Soderbergh can just throw up a copy of the movie on his blog and that's totally ok?

But who wants syrup on their breakfast sandwich? Gross. You put hot sauce if anything. Also its a damn english muffin aka the worst breakfast bread there is. It goes biscuit > croissant > bagel > english muffin.

It's true that Avatar has not made much of a cultural impact but it still remains one of the most memorable theater going experiences I've ever had. I've seen probably 100+ movies in theaters (probably 10 in IMAX) since then and other then Gravity none I would say offered as impressive as a first time viewing

Yeah why do people do that? I just don't get it. I'm sure the guy whose job it is to clean the theater in between showings will make sure to pass it up the chain so that Spielberg knows 10 people clapped for 3 seconds.

I live in a very small city and despite that there is still enough theaters that new movies basically play every hour all day. Your schedule must really suck if that doesn't work for you. Or you are the people who come into the theater 5 minutes after the actual movie starts even though there was 15 minutes of

His regret comment reminded me of Kanye saying basically the same thing during his VH1 Storytellers performance. He was like "My biggest regret is that I'll never get to see myself perform."

Their music is pretty disposable but they are really fun to see live. This new single/video reinforces my opinion.

You make such an excellent point. After watching this show for three seasons I'm going to stop because I just can't look at it the same way after reading your comment. So glad you chimed in.

Was I the only one who felt like this episode was 15 minutes long. I realize the show has always has 25 minute episodes but it never fails to make me think it should be an hour. There are too many characters who actually have (or could have) interesting storylines that there is never enough time for them. Every

I haven't listened to Jericho's yet but is it better than Stone Cold? Because I think he is really good.

Well the guests he has gotten are incredible but the guy is laid back and knowledgeable enough about music, movies, and comedy to be able to relate to his guests and go into topics on the fly. Listen to the Louis CK episode. It's really good.

Thanks to the Golden Globes I now know her name so I can stop referring to her as "that women from Luther who is sexy in a scary kind of way." She's reached the big time now!

Like you said the album cover says Illinoise but on his own website he lists it as Illinois. Same with Spotify. So I guess the official answer is he doesn't care and no one knows for sure. Helpful I know.

You'll probably really like his All Delighted People EP then. It has some beautiful folk songs and longer experimental tracks.