Clever Username

Yeah it's a beautiful song. Never really thought about it being about platonic love though since on his other albums he has "love" songs involving both men and women. But I can see why it could be interpreted that way because of the line about thinking of the person as his brother. Regardless it's a great song

Age of Adz is kind of advanced Sufjan. I'm surprised you enjoyed it right away. Illinoise is definitely the gateway Sufjan album. Listen to that immediately.

YES!!!!!!! Finally. I can only take so many Christmas albums and rap albums and instrumental orchestral albums. Hopefully this means he'll tour soon.

Yeah she was good in Frank. Everyone was good in Frank. Definitely an unheralded movie.

Redmayne played a guy with a major physical disability. Awards voters eat up that shit. No one else stands a chance.

One down and one to go. Now if only Gareth Edwards would "drop out."

I've never tried East Coast Subs but according to google I have a few in my area. I'm going to have check it out.

Yeah a good singer (especially female) could really take that song to the next level. Unfortunately good singers don't ever show up for AV Undercover. So it will most likely be some guy wearing an ill-fitting t-shirt that looks like he woke up 5 minutes ago and is reading the lyrics off a piece of paper because the

No better yet Eve - Who's That Girl?

Yes this could be really cool (no pun intended). One of the most unheralded Kanye tracks.

Has there been a Smashing Pumpkins song yet?

In a sadistic way I would like to see this just so I can write angry comments about how awful the eventual singer is that tries to perform this.

That is how to run a network…LIKE A BOSS.

I'm starting to think this guy just enjoys making press releases. Like he must come up with an idea for a new movie/TV show then immediately tell his publicist to release something. And then he gets bored and goes back to playing PS4 or something.

Kevin Smith seems to have found his niche now. The guy is more prolific than ever and seems to be really enjoying what he is making even if it's only appealing to a small audience.

I remember those scams but I was too young to understand how the scam worked. What were the details? Like didn't you have to buy X number of CDs after that for like $20 a piece?

I always love asking people this question. For me it was the Batman Forever Soundtrack. I think I had just gotten my first Discman as a gift so I clearly needed the hottest album out there at the time. If only someone would make another soundtrack that had U2, Seal, and Method Man on it.

Upvoting for being the nerdiest comment I have ever read on AV Club. I love it. To my ignorant eyes the guy in the video is a damn wizard and it's hilarious and eye opening to hear that he apparently is only decent.

I forgot about Blimpies. Do they still exist? I've lived in the south for years now so it might be a regional thing.

It's like you are my soulmate. That is the main reason I hate Subway. When I order a Chicken Teryaki I want the God damn sandwich from the commercial. I'm not a chef. You tell me what goes on it.