Clever Username

Any fan of rap music has known who Pharell is for years now but because of Happy and The Voice now even my mom knows who he is. That is a whole other level of recognition.

I remember buying Noreaga's N.O.R.E album in 1998 specifically because of how amazing the beat on Superthug was. At the time I had no idea who the Neptunes were (I don't think anyone did). 16 years later I'm glad one of them finally got the recognition they deserve and all it took was wearing a funny hat.

Ooooooh look at me I'm so important I don't have time for TV but I have time to comment on AV Club articles. Seriously though you should watch it. It's one of the funniest shows of all time.

Yeah watching Dennis go from kind of sleezy to basically a rapist is one of the funniest running gags they have on that show.

It's certainly just as funny as it has always been. Mac Day from season 9 is one of my all time favorite episodes. Glad we only have to wait a few more weeks until new episodes.

I agree Carell's performance came across as campy but I watched an interview with Mark Schultz who said Carell gave a very accurate performance so it's possible the guy was actually like that. Or Shultz was paid to say that. I don't know.

I'd say the first two seasons were legitimately entertaining and original television that featured a scene stealing performance from Jeremy Piven. But by season 8 it was a complete joke that was just a perpetual rehash of the same tired plot.

Lighten up. You know very well that if Claire Danes and Damien Lewis created a child that baby would be Gerber label perfect. It's an ugly baby. It doesn't mean she won't grow up to be a super model. She's just not a cute baby. If you put your child on screen people are going to make comments. It's fair game. If it

Whoa bomb ass trailer. I can't get enough of Ari Gold. Looking forward to slamming some Red Bull vodkas with my crew before seeing this flick. Bros night out for sure.

Yeah I guess I can't complain, movie fans outside America definitely have it worse. I think getting wide distribution in America is hard enough so I'm not surprised to hear many movies don't make it to Mexico.

I'm getting really sick of this limited release bullshit. It used to be only small time indie movies did the limited rollout and used award buzz to justify a larger release. But I feel this year studios have been doing it to try and be cool.

From my understanding, which comes from reading the exhaustively detailed book We Are Anonymous, there is/was a loose organizational structure, and there used to be a single person that actually handled PR stuff. So it's not out of the question to expect an "official" twitter feed or whatever. But all the top people

The serial parody was perfect. They completely nailed the delivery of all the people involved. I laughed every time Kris Kringle was on the phone mimicking the style of dialogue Adnan used.

I really don't find Serial to be pretentious at all. In fact Koenig is like the opposite of pretentious. She never claims or implies that what she is doing is groundbreaking or remotely important. She's just a reporter who decided to follow an interesting story. She didn't even use the finale to make some grand

Wow I've never seen that trailer before. It makes it look like some sweet quirky romantic comedy. At least you know Gone Girl involves missing people and potential murder. This gives you no indication it's incredibly depressing. Definitely one of the most deceiving trailers I've ever seen.

I literally LOLed at "A Gary Marshall Joint."

You just wait. Labor Day 2: Hard Labor is going to be blow your mind.

If this is really inspired by Serial I guess that means the police will give up after 12 weeks whether or not they figure out who the killer is.

I just don't understand how they convince the skeletons to come on the show. Like I can kind of get the exes who felt it was a way to reconnect with people they might still care about but this seems like its different and a lot weirder.

I feel like rating this show is pointless. Yes it's terrible. Yes it's the same thing we've seen every season for 20 years. But I don't care because it's still entertaining to watch crazy people being forced to live together.