Clever Username

Mystic Rhythms is one of my favorite Rush songs. I did not get a chance to see them on that tour though because I was 2.

No you've got it all wrong. I LOVE sports especially football. I spend enough time reading ESPN/Deadspin/Bleacher Report that I don't care to see football stuff on my favorite pop culture website regardless of how good it is.

The best returning feature without question is Expert Witness. Those are incredibly fascinating and no one else does that kind of interview. There are enough people on the internet talking about sports. I don't need AV Club to as well.

I think we did a really good job with these picks. Especially the top movies and performances. Glad to see the love for Obvious Child which is being seriously overlooked by critics.

Bird People (which apparently is a movie) got as many ballots as Birdman.

Yes! Finally the internet actually did a great job. This is a legitimately good remix. I was hoping they used Warning though as it is my favorite song of his.

I was talking about his favorite movie of this year but you get an upvote for actually doing some research and giving a non sarcastic answer. You should meet the gimmick commenter who only answers things literally. You two would get along.

Great now this movie goes from being an average comedy that I would have gotten from Redbox 6 months from now to like the ultimate cult movie that people will be dying to see since no one has.

Does this now elevate Team America to the most important movie ever made? One that truly represents everything that is great about America. Quick someone give Trey Parker the Presidential Medal of Freedom. USA! USA! USA!

Oh ok. I remember hearing about that but never knew the woman's name.

I have no idea who the #3 most searched person is (Julie Gayet) even after googling her just now. Can someone more worldy than me explain why she is that high up on the list?

An alternate way to hurt the current North Korean regime without invading them is by making its citizens actually aware of the world outside North Korea. As ridiculous as it sounds, if we somehow air dropped iPads and set up those drone wifi hotspots nearby it would probably cause just as much chaos in the country as

I think Cheney's favorite movie of the year is whatever Saw movie we are up to these days. Torture porn is definitely his favorite genre on Netflix.

But what is John McCain's favorite movie? I bet it's American Sniper. Or Atlas Shrugged 27.

Tomorrow's Fox News headline: "King Obama defeated by North Korea. Is America as we know it gone?"

Exactly, it's mostly a liability issue that no one wants to deal with for something as unimportant as a movie that will be theaters for a whole 1 month.

A lot of movies come out now first on VOD and then get a theatrical release like Snowpiercer. I don't think that stigma really exists much anymore but even a few years ago it would be "shameful".

No I realize caving to terrorism can be a big deal, but I was just looking at it from the studio's perspective. All they care about is making their money back, which they can still easily do.

If this was 5 years ago this would be a huge deal but honestly just put it on VOD / iTunes and it will be able to make its money back. Might as well release it right now so it can capitalize on all the buzz this is going to generate.

It's not a trailer but one of the Gone Girl commercials used a quote that said it was "the date night movie of the decade" and made it out to be this fun romp of a mystery with a hot lead actor instead of the incredibly depressing and messed up movie it is.