Clever Username

It also wins the most deceiving award for making it look like Cranston is the star of the movie.

Inherent Vice?!? Are you kidding me. Yet no mention of the first full length trailer for Interstellar which was excellent. Especially its use of V for Vendetta music.

I'm sure the independent theater I go to in Raleigh NC will be the top target for North Korean terrorists. Better stay home just to be safe.

I actually thought the flooding scene in Noah is the most memorable scene from that movie. Especially the part where they are inside the arc and they hear moaning and it cuts to the outside where you see like 50 people desperately trying to hang on to the peak of a mountain as it is the last remaining piece of land on

Boyhood was definitely the sum of its parts. There is no single scene that stands out in that movie. Especially nothing that compares to many of the scenes mentioned in this list.

The production on Trilogy is what does it for me. I just love that dark atmospheric synth based sound. And his vocals are really passionate. Lyrically it is extremely repetitive though. Dude I get it, you like to use drugs and bang chicks. You made your point. But I'm not a lyric guy so that doesn't really affect my

It was good enough to ignore that Walkmans didn't even exist until 1979, 6 years after the movie takes place.

I don't even remember him sounding bad I just remember thinking it was weird that he chose to perform Forest Gump which is one of the many boring / weird songs I don't like on that album instead of bringing the house down with Bad Religion or Sweet Life.

I have no preconceived notions of what D'Angelo music even is, so I'm going to listen to this album with an open mind. But it's real hard to set my expectations accordingly (and not have serious doubt) when everyone is describing it like it came down from the heavens.

I think Channel Orange is very overrated but the guy can sing for sure. But yeah he definitely wasn't mentally ready to reach that level of success so quick.

The Weeknd's Trilogy is incredible. So as far as I'm concerned it's been no more than 2-3 years since a great R&B album came out.

I saw D'Angelo in concert two years ago and I just now realize how incredibly rare that is to see him perform. I've never listened to his albums though so I can't tell if he actually warrants the praise or he is just getting that Daft Punk like elevation because he releases music so rarely and that makes people freak

I think it's because conservative/religious movies are made explicitly to push a message while "liberal" movies are made to 1. Make money. 2. Tell a good story that in some cases is influenced by the beliefs of the people making the movie.

And Crash into Me is romantic instead of creepy as hell.

Not to mention acts like a bitch to her sister aka her only living relative and also plays God by bestowing life to a snowman with a complete disregard for the ethical concerns that come with it.

On Noah being average or The Fountain sucking?

Noah was an average to above average movie and it's not even Aronofsky's worst film, that obviously is The Fountain.

I thought Whiplash should be everywhere by now. It's been in my city for 3 weeks already and we always have to wait. Foxcatcher comes out Friday for me.

I don't think they have a roll out schedule yet. The theater I always go to posts a schedule when the "art films" are coming out and it's not on the schedule yet. I would honestly expect early January for most places.

You've never even seen Minority Report or Horrible Bosses?