Clever Username

Now this is a gimmick account I can get behind…but not really since your online identity is not a tangible object and therefore it would be impossible to physically position myself behind it.

That's as appropriate as using the term "visionary director" which is a title that everyone who has ever made a movie receives according to every trailer released in the last two years.

I find Absinthe to be terrible as well so I guess your metaphor holds up. I saw it in a movie theater so I guess that wasn't the right way to do it. Or maybe I just should have been drunk on Absinthe while watching it.

I don't see Under The Skin or Snowpiercer here. I guess I'm the only one who thought they were terrible.

I don't remember them ever having sex but I think I've already pushed the memory of those decent to terrible books out of my mind already so I can't say for sure.

I completely agree. It's really starting to offend me (and I'm a white guy). The manner in which pundits say the word thug is often so smug, it's as if they are proud of themselves for figuring out a TV appropriate way to refer to black people in a derogatory fashion.

I had to look it up, but yes it is an award worthy comment. 614 up votes has to be a record. The most I ever got was 100+ on a Walking Dead comment last season. It was the proudest moment in my life.

You can drag and drop them into iTunes. They are drm free mp3 files. You can do anything you want with them.

It's pretty obvious that this week's episode should have been the last episode of Serial because there is clearly nothing left to investigate.

AV Club needs to release a list of the year's best comments. There has to be some Disqus API that lets you sort by upvotes right? And then we could comment on how the ranking of comments was awful. It would be so meta!

I didn't have to do most of that. I had a microsoft account from when I first started using my computer (I'm sure most people do) and with a one click prompt in the music app that made it an xbox account (no confirmation needed) and then I pressed cancel or I'll do it later when it wanted me to add a credit card. Then

I hate Christmas music and I really enjoy his Christmas albums so that says a lot. I think his 2nd Christmas album Silver and Gold is even better and has stronger original songs. It also has like 50 tracks on it.

I haven't tried it but maybe. You download the songs through the Xbox music app so it would make sense but on the computer you download a music deals app first which I can't tell if it actually does anything like unlock the deal or not.

I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling AV Club commenters.

I'm one of the 10 people that have a Windows 8 machine and I can vouch for this deal. I've downloaded 25 of the albums. The selection is really good. They have everything from Weezer's blue album to The Weeknd's Trilogy to Beastie Boys Anthology.

Twitter is wonderful for consistently proving the complete lack of common sense held by a large section of the population. It makes me laugh every time I see something like this. The best is when companies tweet out deals on 9/11 incorporating the numbers 9 and 11. I would love to know how many tweets in history have

Like a guild or award screening? Or like random person on the street screening? I personally would never walk out of a film but I think its pretty safe to say all his movies are not for everyone (and I include myself in that group of people they aren't for).

Yeah the writing on that show was fantastic. I'd say better than Key and Peele was this season and I love Key and Peele. Definitely deserves to be mentioned.

I disagree. The movie was seamless because of the use of the same actors, not the script. The kid had a mostly normal childhood, got a girlfriend, and went to college. Outside of the Mom's drunken husbands (which at times was eye roll inducing cheesy) nothing happened. That's not a complaint about the movie, as I

Yes!!!!!!!! Take my money already…wait what's that? The albums are free?!? Oh then take my gratitude.