Clever Username

If it's a consolation she already won the award for lead actress in my dreams.

Boyhood was a good movie that deserves nominations in several categories but screenplay is certainly not one of them. I don't understand it. The dialogue and story were very bland and often cliche. The script had nothing to do with why the movie was good.

Broad City is wonderful. I approve. Hannibal is not the best show on TV. I like it but not that much. True Detective was a better drama. Hannibal got kind of ridiculous.

What's confusing though is that they were given the legal OK to do all this torturing by the justice department and Bush. The only illegal thing the CIA did was lie about the effectiveness of it to the White House and even then that might not be illegal (if it wasn't under oath) just weird and ethically wrong.

TV on the Radio - Careful You
RTJ - Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck)
The Black Keys - Weight of Love
Foster The People - Pseudologia Fantastica
St. Vincent - Digital Witness

Yeah I was pretty happy having never heard the phrase "rectal hydration" before and thinking Cosby was just a funny old guy. Damn you news media!

Huey Newton > Prince Johnny. That guitar riff at the end is just awesome (especially live).

"I Wanna Get Better" is probably my least favorite song of 2014. It's horrible. I remember the first time I heard it on the radio because before the song started they played a clip of an interview with Jack Antonoff that went something like this:

Coincidentally I watched Obvious Child last night and was really impressed. Jenny Slate gave a fantastic performance. That movie and performance are definitely flying under the radar when it comes to year-end lists.

It's too hard to remember all the albums I liked that came out this year so I'm just going to name what comes to mind first and that is Run The Jewels 2 and Sylvan Esso.

There definitely are cases where a community is so affected or disgusted with a crime, that they feel they need to punish someone, so convictions happen even when they shouldn't. But it's hard to say if this was one of those cases. Everyone is so calm when talking about the murder, but I'm sure the 15 year time gap

If you had a Judge Dredd gimmick account, this comment would be a winner.

Great so I guess this means they will release the first half of their album (which will contain really boring songs) in 2015 and then make everyone wait a year for the last half (which will have exciting songs).

I actually find Koenig's voice to be incredibly pleasant and relaxing. Nothing grating about it to me.

I refuse to listen to a podcast about a podcast but it blows my mind Adnan was convicted. Even with his lawyer making some questionable decisions, there is just so much reasonable doubt. I can't decide whether I think he did it or not, but based on the evidence, I'm surprised he is in jail.

I hope they fix the bug in the source code that made the first movie very mediocre.

I know nothing of Julian Lennon's music but Sean Lennon's (as Ghost of a Sabertooth Tiger) new album that came out this year was great.

I think this is all part of Kim Jong Un's plan for everyone to start calling him Daddy Warbucks.

I'll be honest, I added to about 20 of those views. I can't stop watching it. I think it's a great teaser.

I saw him on the Late Registration tour and he had an all female orchestra providing the music. Now he has like a DJ and synth player. I don't care how many mountains and creepy backup dancers you have, that is a step down.