Clever Username

If drinking alcohol fueled my creativity I would have written 20 screenplays by now. The only thing it fuels in me is a desire to take a nap.

I remember reading an interview with Trent Reznor where he said the same thing that in the early 2000s when he got sober he wasn't sure if could still make music and then he proceeded to become really prolific and put out high quality stuff. So I think if you are talented you make it work. With that said I wouldn't

Yeah she basically became a female Rick this season making her one of the more important characters. If she does die at some point it will be a major event.

I would rather have a show with constantly rotating hosts than the same guy for 10+ years. Looking forward to seeing Thomas Lennon and Jim Gaffigan.

Considering the number of cars with plenty of gas they find all the time I'm pretty sure there has to be a ton of boats just sitting there in any marina all fueled up and ready to go.

Yeah I really hope the person who did that is an idiot intern and not someone whose actual job is to manage social media for them. I'm on the east coast but I never watch live. I saw that picture and for some reason thought it was Carol so I went into the episode expecting her to die but realized it would be Beth

Thank you Walking Dead writers for continuing to kill off pointless characters. Next up is definitely mullet guy.

I'm so glad you are here on these message boards to dictate what belongs in a Star Wars movie. Without you we would be lost.

So they took a really cool shot and made it bland. Great job internet?

It would make sense that there would still be people who might be obsessed with the concept of the dark side and the sith and do what they can to study their teachings to bring it back. In the same way there are neo nazi parties today. And the storm troopers were a trained army of people. Just because there is no

Perhaps if you were more American centric you would know the staff is on vacation for Thanksgiving so you shouldn't expect it today. Also I have no idea who that is either.

No hating here. That got me pretty damn excited. That shots of the X-Wings over the water and the fly by of the TIE fighters by the Falcon were really cool. Don't know about that hilted lightsaber but I look forward to hopefully seeing Adam Driver go all Sith on us.

Yeah I'm curious if she is going to play her or his wife or the mother of his first child or one of the many women he seemed to get despite not showering and being a complete asshole.

This gets my usual response to articles about del Toro…sounds cool but I'll believe it when I see it. I don't think anyone has ever had more projects announced and never made than him.

I saw Aubrey Plaza on Seth Myers last night and she said they let her say whatever she wanted so she threw out the script and all her dialogue is talking about how awful the movie is. Also since there is no lip syncing she just talked whenever she felt like. Apparently this special is just bizarre and she made it

I really hope that Jessica Moore is some girl he knows and he created this account just to mess with her by posting her email in every article.

Good to know. I'm all about dystopian sci-fi and Jon Hamm so I'll have to watch this.

I agree 100% that the gimmick is what makes the movie so powerful. I don't think every movie needs a why though. I'm a pretty big fan of "mumblecore" films and those movies have absolutely no why. Boyhood is very much in the same vein only it actually makes you care about the characters because of the gimmick.

Except the acting other than Ethan Hawke was nothing special (the boy being especially emotionless) and the writing featured plenty of cliche family drama (how many alcoholics can you marry?). Don't get me wrong its a good movie but it should not win all awards.

At first I thought this was an adaptation of the Batman comic The Black Mirror and I got really excited. After reading the article I'm less excited but still intrigued.