Clever Username

The movie is supposed to be based on the Walter Issacson book and that book spends its entire length reminding the reader that Jobs was an asshole who liked to take credit for everyone else's ideas. So I actually don't expect the movie to portray him as the sole person responsible for everything.

Just saw this and I must say if you like watching 2/3 of a movie then you are going to love this one! And now we get the pleasure of waiting an entire year and paying again to see the final 1/3 stretched out to fill 2 hours. Thanks Lionsgate!

At least they didn't post a trailer for a trailer *cough* Jurassic World *cough*.

Whatever horrible ad provider AV Club uses really needs to stop putting giant spiders in its ads. I'm now afraid to scroll down to the comments. And I'm sure as hell not clicking on them.

That's because we got that out of our system 4 years ago when the book was released:

If the trailer doesn't use the Smashing Pumpkins song The Panopticon then Billy Corgan's manager will have failed him.

When I was in college I covered my apartment in movie posters. Mostly modern movies that came out while I was in college so stuff like Kill Bill, Return of the King, Oceans 11, Matrix Reloaded. Nothing rare and I assume all were reprints. They all got destroyed taking them off the wall and putting them back on over

I just want to say bravo to this headline. Also this is the first time I've noticed B.G Henne on the byline, so welcome new guy (or girl)!

This is what happens when you force a show to produce 22 episodes a season.

Country Mac should be Drax. City Mac should be Ronan. I can just imagine the 30 minute Ronan monologue where he talks about the evils of homosexuality.

I don't get the hate for Zeitgeist. Unites States is one of my favorite SP songs and a showcase for how awesome Chamberlin is. Doomsday Clock, Bleeding the Orchid, Tarantula, and Starz are also really good.

I've never been much of a TVOTR fan but I can't stop listening to Careful You. That beat is just so catchy.

Oh I'm not denying the statement isn't accurate. I had to go to a branch campus so I'm pretty sure I fell into the category of "You probably shouldn't be here, but you live here, so I guess it's cool."

I can't tell whether your comment is:

If Penn State dropped football the financial implications not only to the athletic department but the entire town of State College would be disastrous. The only thing that would happen is people would lose their jobs and students would have less opportunities.

I saw her a couple months ago and her on stage banter was just bizarre. With that said, I enjoyed the show although its frustrating knowing that she can shred but chooses to do really weird Jack White type solos instead.

It has become a consistently entertaining show with some good acting at times. The current show runner has done a good job of moving plot along and not dragging out stuff longer than it should be and the show is much better off for it.

Yeah it was awful to grow up with all those shitty artists like Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, STP, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Wu-Tang, Jay-Z, Nas, and Biggy. If only I was a teenager in the 80's then I'd have great taste in music.

I remember buying Mutations in high school not knowing that Beck was more than just a weird rapper and hating that album. As a result I basically wrote him off for 15 years until recently when I saw him live and listened to Morning Phase. Still don't like Mutations though.

I'm pretty sure it took me awhile to warm up to Claudio's vocals but then they quickly became one of my favorites. The awesomeness of the Welcome Home guitar riff won me over.