Clever Username

My first favorite band was Linkin Park. I was the perfect age when their first album came out (16) and I remember listening to Hybrid Theory and liking every single song and thinking to myself I guess they are my favorite band now because this has never happened before. And I haven't stopped listening to them since.

When I play games that give you a moral choice I always go full evil but for whatever reason I found myself disturbed by the No Russian level and didn't shoot up civilians. I guess that means it was effective but also not something I want to see in other games.

The only time I couldn't hear the dialogue…SPOILER ALERT
is when Michael Caine was dying and he was mumbling. Other than that I had no problem (I saw it in a real IMAX theater). There were certainly times in Dark Knight Rises I couldn't understand Bane but that was because of his accent and not the sound mix.

Thank you for reminding me how beautiful of a song On The Mend is. It's funny that is probably the best example of three guitar parts and Pat Smear wasn't even in the band when that was recorded.

That's because you are a women. This is the Jewish religion we're talking about here. Obviously only the men were told about the secret plan.

My Jewish Grandmother is going to love this. So will my Jewish mother. And my Jewish self will regrettably watch it, only to not really find it funny, but will totally attempt to support it because it's about Jews and I need to do my part to keep control of the media.

I like to rip on this guy as he's become kind of a joke but I give him a lot of credit for funding a movie himself instead of resorting to some obnoxious kickstarter.

I too hated the 2005 horror movie White Noise. I mean what a waste of Michael Keaton's talent.

You do realize that in order to be the biggest band in the world, you have to be somewhat generic and appeal to a broad range of people. The more creative you are, the more polarizing you become. While you might earn respect from the most particular critics, your overall fame will most certainly take a hit as a result.

Seriously. I just played drums for 20 minutes and now I'm exhausted. Time to go sit on the couch and watch some TV. Stop making us lazy people look bad.

It must be hard to scrape together the $5 it costs to buy Oreos and milk.

Yeah I think it was much more of a personality thing he adds but if you have an experienced guitarist and you are paying him an equal share than use him! It's weird that Smear is a full time member but their keyboardist who is always with them is not.

Radiohead is probably the only band I can actually hear three distinct guitar parts although they don't do that too much anymore. I can not for the life of me ever pick up anything Pat Smear adds to the Foo Fighters songs or live performances. Even after watching Sonic Highways I'm still wondering what he does.

It completely is. Besides the great singles, songs like Alone + East Target, Good Grief, and Floaty don't get the credit they deserve.

Just give Ann Wilson 10 million and have her fill in. At this point she sounds better than he does.

I really enjoyed this movie and just wanted to add that Keaton's Birdman voice is so bad ass. I want Keaton to voice all villains in future Marvel movies. He would have made a great Ultron.

This is the internet. You are supposed to use snark as your primary means of communication.

Yeah but how is my comment any different then someone just stating "I can't wait for this movie! I love Wes Anderson." They are the same, mine is just negative. Also I'm bored at the moment so I wanted to comment on something.

I can just imagine the whole audience in the theater cheering when Slippy gets shot down and dies.

Well seeing as how this is an announcement of an upcoming movie and not a review of it, I'm not sure what I can add other than express how I'm not that excited by the news. The reason I'm not excited is that I find his movies to be redundant and the idea of making another stop motion animation movie doesn't give me