Clever Username

That would be revolutionary.

His movies are always talked about among movie fans so I like to be able to contribute to the conversation. They don't irritate me, I think they are alright. I just don't get they hype people have for him when I feel like he mostly has been making the same movie for 15 years now.

I wonder if it will be moderately amusing, have whimsical characters, and pretty symmetrical set design. Also I wonder if I will wait until it shows up on Netflix and I regrettably watch one Sunday afternoon just so I can continue to not understand why people love his movies so much.

Good point about the text books, I forgot about that. A state government definitely seems like the most likely scenario.

I don't think it had anything to do with romance. Coop was a born explorer and he would never be content just hanging out in a reproduction of his farm house.

I think you can look at it in three ways:

I agree based on Coop's reaction to being on that arc with his farm house he would rather start a new life on Brand's planet and probably has no intention of coming back.

You really needed a damn montage to show Coop training for the mission? The guy was already a test pilot for that vehicle and probably was training to be an astronaut at one point so it's not like Nolan needed to play the South Park montage song to show him learning the controls. The space stuff is what we all came to

Question about the last scene where Coop steals the plane to go get Brand.

Well you will be pleasantly surprised with Interstellar as one of the robots in the movie is actually pretty damn funny.

I never got the impression that the government collapsed. Only that feeding the population was the top priority so all resources that would normally go to things like the military were now funneled into more pressing matters. Plus someone was still funding NASA so I don't know who else could do that.

Yeah I didn't understand that. Especially since she is in her 30's. You think to continue the species they would send some 16 year olds up there with them.

I would file Matt Damon's fight scene under the moronic section.

Yeah I didn't even realize they had other ships until that moment nor could I tell what the damage really meant.

I actually found the sentimental and emotional parts to be some of the strongest aspects of the movie and I don't even have kids. I agree it is certainly not a failure, just doesn't quite live up to its ambitions.

I think we've been in the dark age already. Cars 2 and Monsters University sucked. I didn't see Brave. I'm hoping they come out of the slump next year with the new Pete Doctor movie.

So Benioff would have preferred that millions of viewers tune in each week hoping to find out what happens next in that storyline only to never even see one second of those characters. Yeah that clearly would have been the right approach asshole.

You've really seen 10 movies this year that you thought were better than Guardians of the Galaxy?

Yeah I just assume whatever period movie Keira Knightley decided to make this year will win best costumes.

Haha "Being Boring" is a much more accurate title for that song.