Clever Username

He wrote 98% of smashing pumpkins songs and played most of the guitar and bass tracks. Yeah he could go the Jack White route and just use his name but what does it matter. It gives the audience a better idea of what to expect when seeing him live. He still plays plenty of old tracks he just doesn't want to do that

As one of the 5 people who actually listens to and enjoys his newer records I have to say these first two tracks have been pretty mediocre.

Skyfall was a good action movie but not best picture worthy. Guardians of the Galaxy on the other hand is the most beloved movie of the year so while I can see them ignoring The Lego Movie I just can't imagine how anyone can justify not nominating Guardians.

I couldn't agree more. And they totally 100% deserve it because all three were great movies (my personal top 3 actually).

As far as I'm concerned The Lego Movie should be nominated for best picture and just win the animated category for that reason alone.

Yeezus 2: Ye Has Risen.
Yeezus 2: The New Testament.
Yeezus 2: Still waiting for my damn croissants

So it's spelled Berock Ohbalma?

McNulty's kids from season 1 of the Wire were better at tailing Stringer Bell than a 30+ year veteran spy was at tailing that guy.

Completely agree. It's a shame they are giving it away for free but I'm seeing them in concert in a few days and will be buying one of their shirts. They deserve my money.

You don't have to but absolutely listen to the first album at some point because in my opinion it was the best rap album of last year.

Yeah you would think the top adviser to the Homeland equivalent of Blackwater would fly a private jet and be accompanied by his own security team.

Well it lets other people know they will check your trunk so if you are trying to smuggle something the Taliban doesn't like they will find it.

Am I the only one who finds Carrie to be kind of scary at this point? The way she only expresses emotion to further intelligence work instead of doing so as a natural result of being a human who feels things is something I find rather chilling.

Saying Quinn's motivations are driven by his penis isn't accurate. There is a difference between just wanting to bang someone and caring about them (plus wanting to bang them). Quinn has never done anything to break from his professionalism in order to make a move even though it would be easy for him from what we know

Yeah I guess you're right he doesn't really talk badly about anyone (other than George Bush) nor does he mistreat people in any way. And he seems to have a lot of respect for people he collaborates with. He's really just obnoxiously arrogant.

Yeah there is a big difference between being an arrogant asshole and an awful person. He's never done anything to suggest he's anything but the former.

Yeah Brand New is such a great track. Good beat and verse from Kanye.

I never knew Kanye produced Get By. I love that song. Incredible beat.

You are way overanalyzing a very mediocre show.

So let me get this straight, Bill Cosby raped people and the dad from Seventh Heaven is a pedophile. At this rate I expect to hear how Alan Thicke is a serial killer any day now.