Clever Username

Everyone knows the RIAA rules state artists in a relationship get to combine their album sales unless they are of the same sex in which case that goes against God's definition of a platinum album.

Great panel and Sepinwall did a great job moderating. Now I want to rewatch the show again to see how it holds up on a 2nd viewing.

This is the perfect job for him because his character will probably die long before he decides to quit.

So how excited are you for the new Run The Jewels album? I can't remember the last time I was so excited for a rap album.

Yeah I will listen to Ben Folds forever. And fortunately he has so many ex wives that he needs to continue working forever.

Christopher Nolan definitely. So excited for Interstellar.

I just discovered this movie is not coming to my city until 11/7 and that made me sad.

I'm not going to lie I had to look up the word mordant. You think you're smarter than me by using all them big college words? Why don't you take your ostentatious lexicon and get back to the fancy person book section of AV Club where you belong. Now get!

You've got it all wrong. Free market = good…unless the free market threatens the profit of an industry that funds your campaign in which case anticompetitive legislation = best.

Yeah I was not expecting to see child rape played up for laughs nor did I find it funny. It was unnecessary since the joke was already made by revealing the guy was a tranny and Nathan's sexual harrasment back fired. That was funny. The rape not so much.

I didn't laugh that much this episode but as a big supporter of the Uber/Lyft industry I enjoyed it solely for the fact that they had the mentally challenged kid make the obvious point that Taxi companies should offer a better product if they want to compete instead of trying to scheme their way to prevent these

I think a Woz movie would be a 60 minute montage of him turning down opportunities to be more than an engineer and then it would get all Bolllywood with a 30 minute dance scene at the end.

I recently finished reading the Steve Jobs biography and it was really interesting. Since this movie is adapated from the book I could see movie Steve being pretty insufferable though which could make the movie annoying.

He definitely did but Glennon played in more games last season and did a good job too considering the team around him. To bench a guy that was one of the few bright spots from the previous season was surprising to me.

Hey Astro Beacon E guess what day it is? It's movie day!

I'm sorry but you put quotes around the wrong word. I think you meant to say "masterpiece" because clearly you were saying that sarcastically as that movie is just awful.

You probably just have odd taste in movies. I see 20+ movies in theaters a year and most of the time, even for action movies, the experience is not really enhanced nor does my opinion seem to differ from that of friends who I know are watching the movies in less than ideal environments.

IMAX film platters are massive. It's cheaper for the studios to not have to produce and ship them and better for the theater because they can easily show different movies throughout the day and probably can have more showings because the downtime in between can be less.

Yeah I almost exclusively see movies at Raleigh Grande and I haven't had a bad experience there in a long time and I see a lot of movies in the theater. My only complaint is the theaters aren't sound proof enough so if you are watching a quiet movie you'll sometimes hear really loud action moments from the adjoining

I agree. I would hope having a joke of an NFL career has made king douche Clausen a little humble but I'm guessing not.