Clever Username

Yeah I only go on Sunday afternoons when there is like 5 other people in the theater and it costs $7.50. And anyone with cargo shorts, a jacket, or a purse can sneak in a drink and food. I see 20+ movies in theaters a year and I almost always have a good experience.

Although I make fun of Glennon for looking like a nerd, the guy should have been starting all year. I don't understand how any coach would think Josh McCown gives you a better chance to win.

This stuff pisses me off. If you are making hundreds of millions in profit give the creators a few million per property and call it a day. It's so insignificant to their bottom line and it's just the right thing to do. I don't care what their contract said. People deserve to be fairly compensated for the work they do

Easily my favorite feature (besides O'Neal newswires of course). This one was great. Keep them coming av club.

The funniest part of this episode was the unintentional irony of having Anderson rant about maintaining your racial identity immediately followed by a commercial with Ice Cube advertising his role as a white guy in the animated movie The Book of Life.

Swag = short for swagger. Get with the times Grandpa.

I'm white and I found it to be in some ways a lazy toned down broadcast network version of The Boondocks (which I love).

Yes I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I was really into the first half of Catching Fire when it was turning into a political thing and the mystery of district 13 was intriguing and then they just went back to the damn arena.

The 2nd book could be thrown out entirely or the very few things important things that actually happen could be rewritten to be combined with book 3 to make just a single sequel.

I HATED the Knife of Never Letting Go. It took everything in me to actually finish that book. I don't see that being a succesful movie. The whole book is just the kids walking and every so often fighting a kid who really really wants to kill them and comically won't die no matter how much they hurt him.

I watched it. It was enjoyable enough but I'm not dying to see the next episode.

Yeah I realized the other day that I think I watch every single show on comedy central. If there were an award for best network on TV it should win.

I'm so glad you posted a link to a story that offers the exact same details as the very article on commenting on. So useful.

If there is a sequel they will be in it. Just don't expect it to be anywhere near as good as this movie. And it will probably leave you feeling even less satisfied at the end.

I kept waiting for it to get funny but it never did…IT NEVER DID!!!!!

Yeah it was painfully obvious he only had an idea for one book but the publisher was like "this has to be a trilogy because we love money and hate readers."

Thankfully in the movie they keep their stupid slang to a minimum. In the book I couldn't stand that every other word was shuck.

He's not shirtless at all in the movie but he makes for a good lead actor. I was impressed with him as well as the guy from Game of Thrones and the guy from We're the Millers. One day I'll learn their names.

I saw the movie and it's like a hurried up version of the first book. They basically throw out everything that doesn't involve the characters yelling or running from stuff which keeps the pace moving but in the end you don't really care much about the characters as a result. I might be excited about future movies if I

Yeah the sequels are horrible. If they don't seriously change things the movies are going to be bizarre and terrible.