Clever Username

You still live by a stadium. It's no different then living downtown in a city or by a park. People are going to use those areas. Chances are at times that you might not like. Get over it or live somewhere else.

I despise country music but I like that Garth Brooks is willing to turn down millions just to prove a point.

He said he cried after getting to walk inside the fully built millenium falcon. I can understand that based on what it means to him.

Yeah he could easily raise the money on kickstarter. He obviously doesn't have Zak Braff money so I wouldn't hate it as much but you don't work 20 years in the film business and not make connections when it comes to financing. I would donate $10 if it counted as my ticket to see it though.

He said on Twitter he is still going to make it. Just not with their money obviously. I assume he's just going to reach into his massive bank account that he has from all that Red State money.

I forgot how awesome that slow mo shot of the Decepticon coming out of the sand in the first Transformers movie is.

I was about to feel really sad if that had less donations than the potato salad. Thankfully that is not the case.

That is an understatement. I'm pretty sure Jermaine Paul never even released an album after winning. I enjoy that show but everytime Carson tries to make it seem like a contestants life would be changed from winning that show it makes me laugh.

Morello definitely relied on some gimmicks but the guy wrote some amazingly catchy riffs so I don't see how people can hate on a guy that wrote Bombtrack or Wind Below.

Calling RATM a better version of "garbage rap-rock" is a good way to get me to ignore everything you are saying.

Yeah everyone knows that as long as you get to murder a bunch of poor people one day a year you can be a totally upstanding citizen for the other 364 days.

When I play games that give you the option to make moral choices I go full on evil every time. I think I do this because I consider myself to be very practical and nice in real life so when I play a game I want to experience being the opposite of all that.

Whoa that was the first one?!? You are doing yourself a disservice by writing off the whole series. Just about all of them are enjoyable but there are a few stinkers (QoS being one of them).

Yeah I love that song. Definitely the best thing to come out of that movie.

What drives me crazy is when a fight scene is actually well choreographed and intense (like in the Bourne movies) but instead of putting the camera down and letting the fight scene shine, directors like Paul Greengrass feel the need to get up close, cut a lot, and shake the camera so you have no idea what is going on.

My hatred for that movie mostly is because of the horrible camera work and editing. There were some nice action sequences that were totally ruined by a million cuts and shaky cam.

I know it was kind of a dick comment but honestly I'm a big music fan and have several friends who are also big music fans who I talk about music all the time with and not once has anyone brought up Lana Del Rey in conversation. So when she has a number 1 album its surprising to me because I don't know anyone that

I save the term incredibly depressing for stories where kids die of cancer not stories where the good guys win.

If you think Mockingjay is god awful try reading the third Divergent book or the 2nd Maze Runner book. Mockingjay is a god damn literary classic compared to that garbage.

Do people actually really like her music? I have yet to meet any of those people.