Clever Username

It is always shocking when they just cut to a new correspondent and not say anything. I can't believe it's been two years since Jessica Williams was added.

It wasn't better than Philomena. I don't think Philomena deserves to be nominated so Blue Jasmine sure as hell doesn't. Both were totally fine movies just nothing exceptional.

Yeah I agree. I liked Argo but best picture that year it was not. For me it was hands down Zero Dark Thirty. I thought Lincoln, while well made, was really boring.

Yeah what a joke that movie won. The Weinsteins just know how to campaign I guess.

Well I lasted 2 minutes. That has to be a high score.

I'm a big fan of The Smashing Pumpkins including their new stuff but this just needs to stop.

Has anyone ever admitted who they voted for? I don't understand why its so taboo in Hollywood to talk about that after voting has ended.

If I had to spend 28 more minutes watching Cate Blanchett's insufferable Jasmine character I would have punched a hole in my TV.

No way. 3=1 > 4 >>>>>>2.

That's so hipster of Shane Carruth. The oscars are just too mainstream for him I guess.

Seriously how did Upstream Color not get a nomination for sound editing. I mean the movie actually shows a guy creating sounds!

I've seen The Act Of Killing, The Square, and Dirty Wars and The Act Of Killing is hands down the best of those. I think it deserves to be in the best picture race. I'm not sure if documentaries are eligible but it is a far better movie then Philomena.

I can understand the desire to get a glimpse of what celebrities are like in their normal lives or see if they are being really drunk in public but the extent to which photographs are taken is simply insane. Everyone who has ever been in a movie is constantly photographed walking down the street to get coffee. That

I know I'm not the main audience for this but who the fuck cares what some celebrity's baby looks like? I barely care what my friends' babies look like and they are actually important people in my life.

As I explained above, if the only thing you've heard from Beck were his Odelay singles and you bought Mutations expecting to hear more of that, you would be disappointed.

I love how Illinois has Sufjan Stevens. 9 years later that album is still worth listening to that much.

Yeah I'm definitely going to give it a listen. I think at the time I was expecting to hear an album that sounded like the singles from Odelay and it was certainly not that.

And it's been 16 years since I bought a Beck album. I remember 14 year old me was very disappointed with Mutations so I never listened to anything after that.

Sad news indeed. Ghostbusters was such a big part of my childhood. The movies, the cartoon, the toys and of course pretending to be them with my friends. Nice to hear I was not alone in doing that.

Think about it. You work like 2 hours a day in the afternoon 5 days a week and get paid broadcast TV money. It has to be a real good gig.