Clever Username

Futuredouche is officially my new favorite insult.

I'll be honest I had to look up what obsequious meant.

Let me rephrase that, right idea at the right time.

Well if you look at the major startups that have sprung up over the last few years (instagram, snapchat, whatsapp, twitter) none of them are technical marvels, they are just good ideas at the right time. So it's possible actually being able to write the software yourself isn't as important in being a founder but it

Ha I always wondered the same thing. I've never met anyone that had one. Do they still exist? Or do the cable companies just provide that data lifted from their boxes?

So does anyone know someone that actually has google glass? I'm a software engineer who lives in a pretty big tech area and I've never even seen someone wearing it let alone know someone that has a pair.

I was not expecting that. Interesting.

What kind of ego maniac names his movie Lee Daniels' The Butler?

That seems more appropriate for a movie. Also much cheaper to film.

Ha I was just trying to be a smart ass. That's Interesting. So I'm guessing Mr. Fantastic was a colleague in school then. I'm not too familiar with FF beyond the very basic origin and their powers.

Technically it's not too young as there is no age limit but If you look historically at the age of astronauts they are almost all in their mid 30's to early 40's.

So in this reboot do they get their powers when Mr. Fantastic accidentally exposes them to cosmic rays during a grad school experiment? Seriously none of these people are old enough to go to space.

I agree but then a small part of me thinks the opposite every time I hear a story about the bonuses Epic Games hands out after a game is released.

You have to do what your passionate about. After a few years in the working world no matter what you do it just becomes a job. And since you spend more time at your job then anything else you have to enjoy that line of work otherwise it becomes mind numbing. So my advice to you is determine what you are most

They should have a Human Giant reunion on new episodes of Human Giant because that show was awesome. Really the best thing MTV has done in at least 10 years.

Holy lesbians Batman!

This was stupid but it's Friday so I give AV Club a break here.

They should be banned from America for making terrible music. Yeah I said it. I think they all suck. I saw them live a couple years ago and it was just bad. I've never understood the draw of these guys.

No is it any good? I haven't really kept up with his music since Real Talk. I know he's released quite a bit since then.

There is reason he is a 3 time softest rapper in the game award recipient from Big Ghost.