
Yeah, my dad is a masterclass himself on how to be the worst accidentally emotionally abusive parent you can be. I mean, I guess his physical abuse would be considered accidental too in his eyes but it was the emotional abuse that hurt more.

It sounds like we would make an interesting pair, your fiancee and I! I want to get wedding hot as well, despite my own fiance very much loving me as I am(I just think he appreciates that a good majority of the 215 is in my hips/butt/boobs area lol), because I want to look smokin’ in my backless dress. You sound like

I rediscovered this week after spraining my ankle that I cannot sleep on my back at all, even when I’ve got tons of pillows under my legs (usually I sleep on my sides because I can’t sleep unless my knees are bent).

Your fiancee sounds like me; I’m about 215 now and 5’9 and I definitely see and feel the pudge, but even at my skinniest at 160 I was still nowhere near small enough to wear “normal” sized clothes. I wore a 10, ffs, because I had broad hips and shoulders and boobs that would knock someone’s eye out, and none of that

My parents cut my hair when I was a kid and I was forced to keep it short until I was a teenager and then forced me to keep it long. Really it was my dad, but he was abusive in so many other ways. He always talked about how much he loved my hair and how much he wished it could be long but he wouldn’t let me have it

It’s really creepy to me as well because every dad I’ve ever met has a thoroughly unhealthy and creepy as fuck relationship with his daughter’s hair...aka he’s obsessed with controlling its length/style/etc.

It’s never okay to intentionally alter your child’s physical look without their consent. I guarantee she was bullied mercilessly because her dad chopped over her hair.

That’s why I said you’re right. The difference is physical and mechanical. BUT. The end result is that they allow people to have sex when they want to have it, not just when their body allows it.

I have been in your position! Unfortunately for some of us more than just lube is needed. Adding lube won’t make the vaginal canal expand the way it does when you’re aroused; it really only helps with the dryness issue. Yeah, you can jam it on in there and force it wider, but in my experience, it actually hurts to do

Of course it’s sexism. But it doesn’t really matter, does it? What can we do about it?’re right. But you’re also not seeing the whole thing. Some women WANT to have sex, but the libido isn’t there. Which means they can WANT it all they like but their body is gonna refuse to cooperate, and it will be physically difficult to have sex. So if this pill can help create a libido that makes the body

No, I don’t think she should lose her job. But I think it was incredibly out of touch for a woman who claims to be a feminist professor. I never claimed that what a reader could feel is comparable to rape, but I think what she did write is pretty messed up and that she should not have written it the way she did and

Jfc, I was pissed at the students too when I didn’t know the full story...but now that I know? Man, that was pretty damn insensitive for this professor to write was she did. If the catalyst was a different situation, it wouldn’t have been an issue, but when to imply that a possible rape victim shouldn’t bring a

It’s s hard to imagine why Franklin got shafted so hard...hmm..

In my experience it still counts as a dark pan. Cookies and biscuits come out more burned but damn I know how to bake french fries.

I think if this thing surveyed just gun crimes you might be right, but it’s really dumb to say that guns are the reason the southern states have it bad. It’s more to do with bad weather, companies and individuals who refuse to follow federal safety laws, and just all-around poor crime prevention because of a number of

lmao okay dude, okay..

Could you have a word with my fiance? Two years and he still has trouble getting over himself...

lol ok...I’m guessing you’re circumcised, huh?

Damn, second dude sounds like me and my man. Except I used toys and they worked, it’s just he was not okay with it at all and is still not so okay but getting better(actually I asked Dr. Nerdlove for advice and showed it to him; I thought it helped).