cleverness goes here

“But when there was only one set of footprints across the turf, Lord? Where were you?”

As a Frinkiac fan and a frequenter of the diner next to the Springfield Mall, I hereby declare you the winner of the internet.

Princess Di was a beautiful and stylish woman who happened to be alive in the worst possible time to be fashionable (although I kinda dig the white suit she is wearing at the top). My mom had the same problem around the same time. I pull out pictures of her and it is very clear that the outfit is "stylish" but also

To have great pain is to have certainty, to hear that another person is in pain is to have doubt.

Yeah. Yolanda is not a good spokesperson at all. I’ve got chronic, autoimmune disorders (because where there’s one, there’s twenty) and seeing her closet full of pills and supplements and the million other treatments she’s doing makes me so twitchy and annoyed.

I’m currently suffering from Lyme. I suppose you could call it chronic since the initial round of treatment didn’t take care of it.

i’m not an MD, and the only person i’ve ever known with chronic lyme was also a pretty serious drug addict so IDK what’s real or not.

ilu for this. Also, he is not really LIVING in the box. He sleeps in it as he has full access to all the amenities of the house. So....

So he has access to the kitchen bathroom, living room and the pod is literally where he can sleep and maybe get some work done. He is not living in the pod, he is living in the apartment and his “room” is the pod. Still kind of weird, but for $400 in San Francisco with access to all the amenities, as crazy as it

But, like, don’t we all live in boxes, man?

Ugh yes. I loooove being in my 30s, I’m the happiest and most functional I’ve ever been. I look back at my 20s and it was such a train wreck. I don’t actually know who Kehlani is... But I feel for her. I can’t imagine navigating the crazy that is 20 with public scrutiny on top of it all.

There’s a very pervasive sense of “lack of personal responsibility” within the GOP at large, but it’s especially surface-level within the Trump campaign, and ESPECIALLY in Lewandowski. People like glomming on to it because no one likes admitting fault for their own problems. The hubris and scapegoating is appalling.

I look back at being 20 years old and in REAL love for the first time... Man, I did some crazy shit when we broke up. I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t sleep... I couldn’t eat... I was texting (T9ing on my Razr like CRAZY) and crying. Showing up at his parents and crying. Hanging out with friends of his friends just to

As glad as I am that Lewandowski is getting charged, the continued inability of Trump’s followers to admit that a member of his cult of personality did wrong is just disheartening.

I agree. Even for millions of dollars I wouldn’t relive that period of my life. Adulthood is the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced.

I wouldn’t do 20 years old again for anything in the world. For me, at least, everything was dire and forever and beyond repair. I don’t mean to say that this is a reflection of immaturity on her part but if you’re lucky an old mind becomes a “wise mind”. Sending her positive thoughts.

Yeah, not always hard to hear. Though that ad was made a decade before ‘97. And notice that the ad doesn’t explicitly refer to Horton’s race. Obviously the ad is trying to play on racism, but it’s at least trying to maintain plausible deniability. In contrast, Trump is totally happy to say that Black people are lazy,

I don’t know where the clip of Ivanka telling the homeless man story comes from originally, but it was included in John Oliver’s epic takedown of Drumpf.